Did Buddha have a wife and child?

Did Buddha have a wife and child?

Buddha Leaving His Son When his wife Yasodhara gave birth to a son, the Prince bitterly called the boy Rahula, which means “fetter.” Soon Prince Siddhartha left his wife and son to become the Buddha.

Did Buddha have a son?

Rāhula (Pāli and Sanskrit) was the only son of Siddhārtha Gautama (commonly known as the Buddha) ( c. 563 or 480 – 483 or 400 BCE), and his wife and princess Yaśodharā.

Did Buddha have any siblings?


Does Buddha have a wife?

Spouse Siddhartha
Father Suppabuddha
Mother Amita
Religion Buddhism

How many wives can a Buddha have?

In the story of Sujata the Buddha speaks of seven types of wife.

Are Buddhists polygamists?

Buddhism. Buddhism does not regard marriage as a sacrament; it is purely a secular affair, and normally Buddhist monks do not participate in it (though in some sects priests and monks do marry).

Can Buddhist marry non Buddhist?

There is no law in Buddhist country what kind of faith they have to get married or one has to convert to Buddhism or other. Under the country law, they can legally get married. Monks cannot perform marriage ceremony and all the marriages or divorces are not related to Buddhism.

Is polygamy legal in Australia?

In Australia, it is a criminal offence to marry a person when already married to another, and is called bigamy. Bigamy is the act of going through a marriage ceremony; polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at one time.

Can you marry a dead body in France?

Posthumous marriage in France is legal but must be approved by several civil servants and the family of the deceased. France is one of the few countries in which it is legal to marry a partner posthumously.

How do you marry a dead person?

Naturally, there are caveats: the living person must prove that the couple intended to marry, and has to obtain permission to wed from the deceased’s family. If the president chooses to grant the wedding request, the marriage becomes retroactive from the day before the deceased person’s death.

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