Did Mrs Figg die?

Did Mrs Figg die?

Mrs Arabella Figg is a batty old woman living near Harry Potter and the Dursleys. She often takes care of Harry when the Dursleys are going on a trip. She owns several cats….Mrs Figg.

Arabella Figg
Died Unknown
Species Human
Parentage Wizard parents
Family Members No known family members

Which member of the Hogwarts staff was a squib?

Argus Filch

Who is the cat lady in Harry Potter?

Arabella Figg

Did Mrs Figg really see the Dementors?

She didn’t, according to JKR: Incidentally, Arabella Figg never saw the Dementors that attacked Harry and Dudley, but she had enough magical knowledge to identify correctly the sensations they created in the alleyway.

Why is everyone celebrating in Harry Potter?

In early November 1981, a number of celebrations were held by wizards to celebrate what they believed to be the fall of the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort. These celebrations were held without regard for the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, resulting in various Muggles noticing oddities.

Who speaks first in Harry Potter?

First line of Harry Potter: “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”

Who was the first person to get sorted into a Hogwarts house?

Choose the right answer:

Draco Malfoy Neville Longbottom
Hermione Granger Susan Bones

Who killed Mr and Mrs Potter?

If so, please adapt the article. Mr and Mrs Evans were the Muggle parents of Petunia Dursley and Lily Potter, and the grandparents of Dudley Dursley and Harry Potter through their daughters’ marriages to Vernon Dursley and James Potter. They both passed away by the time of Lily’s death.

How did Mr and Mrs Evans die?

Death and legacy Mr Evans and his wife died “normal Muggle death[s]” sometime before the murder of their daughter Lily and son-in-law James Potter, on the night of 31 October, 1981. This meant that their grandson, Harry Potter was left in the care of Petunia, his only surviving blood relation.

How did Mrs Dursley feel about her sister Mrs Potter?

Mrs. Dursley describes her sister as “dratted” and “a freak.” She feels alienated by being the “only one who saw [Lily] for what she was” and by the fact that her parents didn’t share this fear of and disgust about witchcraft.

Who was going to take care of Harry Potter?

Answer has 9 votes. Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley, his mother’s sister’s family. Sirius Black (his godfather and dad’s best friend) offered but Dumbledore insisted he live with his aunt and uncle.

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