
Do clauses need commas?

Do clauses need commas?

~ Use a comma to separate the dependent clause from the independent when it follows the independent one if the dependent clause is nonessential. Keep in mind, however, that many dependent clauses will be essential and will not require a comma.

Do you put a comma between two independent clauses?

Thus, it can separate two independent clauses by itself; a comma cannot separate two independent clauses unless it is followed by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS).

What is the proper use of a comma and why are commas so misused in the English language?

The comma is one of the most abused and misused punctuation marks in the English language. The comma gives us the dreaded run-on sentence, the confusion of verb separation and odd sentence fragments, and—when missing altogether—some of the most hilarious misunderstandings in the grammar world.

Should I put comma after sorry?

No, there shouldn’t be a comma there. This is how you should punctuate your message: “Sorry I haven’t written for so long. If the rest of the sentence explains WHAT you are sorry about, you shouldn’t use a comma.

Is comma a terminal punctuation?

Periods, exclamation points, commas, semicolons, and other internal and terminal punctuation should be set in the type style (e.g., bold, italic, regular/roman, color) of the preceding word.

How do you use commas and semicolons?

Rule to Remember Use a semicolon to replace a comma when you use a coordinating conjunction to link independent clauses that already contain commas. In this example, using a semicolon makes it easier to read the two independent clauses on either side of the coordinating conjunction: Correct: My dog is sick.

How do you connect three independent clauses?

When we take two or more independent clauses and join them together, we form a compound sentence. We usually connect the clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction, but you can also join them with a semicolon.

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