Do endnotes go on a separate page Chicago?

Do endnotes go on a separate page Chicago?

Footnotes go at the bottom of the page where the reference occurs; endnotes go on a separate page after the body of the paper. Both use the same formatting guidelines. The note number goes after all other punctuation.

What is Chicago style endnotes?

In Chicago style, footnotes or endnotes are used to reference pieces of work in the text. To cite from a source a superscript number is placed after a quote or a paraphrase. If using endnotes, numbered notes will appear on a separate, endnotes page at the end of your document and before the bibliography page.

What two keys do you press right align content?

To make text right aligned, select and highlight the text first, then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and then press R.

What two keys do you press center align content?

Ctrl+E Center – centers text between margins. Ctrl+R Align Right – aligns text to the right margin, and the left margin is ragged. Ctrl+J Justify – aligns text to both the left and right margins by adding extra spaces between words.

How can you align text?

Center the text vertically between the top and bottom margins

  1. Select the text that you want to center.
  2. On the Layout or Page Layout tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher.
  3. In the Vertical alignment box, click Center.
  4. In the Apply to box, click Selected text, and then click OK.

What is the shortcut key to justify a text?

Option + CTRL + L – Align left. Option + CTRL + R – Align right. Option + CTRL + J – Justify.

Which key is used for justify alignment?

Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Key
Center a paragraph Ctrl + E
Left-align a paragraph Ctrl + L
Right-align a paragraph Ctrl + R
Justify a paragraph Ctrl + J

How do you close a word with keyboard?

Save a document: Ctrl + S — “S” is for “save.” Open an existing document: Ctrl + O — “O” is for “open.” Close a document: Ctrl + W — “W” is for “whisk away that Word doc!”

How do you justify text in Word app?

The default one is Left. To align the paragraph to the center, tap Align center. To align the text to the right, tap Align right. To make the paragraph justified, tap Justified.

How do you center text in pages?

Align and justify text in Pages on Mac

  1. Select any portion of the text or click a text box or a shape with text; if you’re working in a table, click a table cell or select a row or column.
  2. In the Format sidebar, click the Style button near the top.
  3. In the Alignment section, click the alignment buttons you want.

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