Do platy fish kill each other?

Do platy fish kill each other?

Separating the male and female platy fish Getting ‘too much attention’ from the male platies also exhausts the females and can even convert into a life-threatening condition. But this causes issues when the male tank starts showing aggression with the fish ultimately fighting with each other.

How many Platies can go in a 5 gallon tank?

The ideal stocking level for a mature tank is 85% or less, adding 2 female Platys to a 5 gallon tank will put the stocking level at around 135%.

Can I put platy fish with goldfish?

Unfortunately, goldfish aren’t a good match for platy fish. While you could technically place them in the same freshwater tank, they won’t get along all that well, nor will they adapt to each other’s water requirements.

Can neon tetras live with Platies?

Neon tetras can be very sensitive so you can’t add them right away. I would go with 3 guppies, 3 platys, and 8 tetras. Guppies first, give it a month, then add platys, give it another month, then add tetras.

How many Platies fish should be kept together?

How many platies should be kept together? A group of three to six platies is a good starting point. As with most livebearers, the males constantly want to mate, so try to keep at least two females for every one male to give the girls a break.

Can you put Tetras with Platies?

Tetras as a whole are excellent Platy tank mates. A few, such as the closely related Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) have more demanding needs in terms of water quality and don’t work as well with the hardier, salt and alkaline-loving Platies.

Can snails live with platys?

Snails are another type of invertebrates that you could keep with platies if you’re not keen on adding other types of fish to your aquarium. Snails have a built-in defense mechanism compared to shrimp and can easily hide from curious fish.

Can gourami live with Platies?

Several other kinds of fish can live harmoniously with dwarf gouramis. These include swordtails, mollies, plecos, barbs, scavenger catfish, platies, danios, rasboras and loaches.

Can you mix different Platies?

Wagtails can occur with virtually any body color and can be combined with other color patterns. For instance, the painted or variegated pattern may be combined with the wagtail trait. Red or gold are the most commonly seen colors of wagtails, but the variation can also exhibit blue, gold, or green colors.

Can different types of Platies breed?

Male and female platies will breed regardless of colors or marking types.

What’s the difference between mollies and platys?

The easiest ways to tell a Molly apart from a Platy are the body shape, size, and color variations. Mollies tend to be longer and larger, with longer fins and snouts, whereas Platys are often stouter and more compact in their design. Additionally, Platys tend to have a much broader range of colors and patterns.

How many Platies Can I put in a 10 gallon tank?

A 10 gallon tank is big enough for a group of 5 adult platies to live in and enjoy a healthy habitat.

Should I get Platies or guppies?

Platies are slightly bigger than guppies and require a bit more swimming space. Both guppies and platies live in swarm, so you can’t just buy one guppy and one platy. The will not do well when are kept alone. So if you plan keeping multiple guppies and platies together, you should definitely choose a larger aquarium.

Can a guppy get a platy pregnant?

Guppies can’t impregnate platy fish, so they will not produce any fry.

Can I keep guppies with Platies?

So Can Guppies And Platies Live Together? To answer the question, YES guppies can definitely live together. However, you will need to make sure that you make sure the tank is habitable for both of them, otherwise some problems may arise.

Can I keep just one platy?

So in response to your question, in a small tank, 1 platy may do well, but they are going to need the security of a group if you ever go larger.

Will platys breed in a community tank?

As long as you introduced both male and female platy fish to the tank, they should start breeding in a short amount of time. If your platy fish don’t seem to be breeding, make sure you have both male and female fish in the tank.

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