Do pro golfers use regular flex shafts?

Do pro golfers use regular flex shafts?

Kramer’s 2006 “Golf Magazine” article cites a survey showing that just 2 percent of PGA Tour players and 10 percent of PGA Champions Tour players used regular flex shafts in their irons. He also notes that PGA Tour swing speeds average 110 mph, so the players favor a stiffer shaft to better control the club.

What swing speed requires a stiff shaft?

If you’re swinging the driver above 105 mph, it might be time to get some X stiff shafts in your set. Stiff – This range is still considered fast, but you most likely won’t be out on Tour anytime soon. If you’re between 97 and 104 mph with the driver, you need a stiff flex.

Should I use regular or stiff shafts?

If you have a slower swing speed, you are probably going to want to choose regular shafted clubs because the additional flex will provide a little more power and accuracy. When you swing harder, the stiff flex will be more controlled and give you the punch you need to hit better shots.

Does a stiffer shaft reduce slice?

For some, stiff club shafts are part of the problem. When the clubhead gets to the ball, the shaft won’t unload properly and the face will remain slightly open, causing a slice. Other swing problems also can cause a slice, of course, but shafts that are too stiff can make the problem worse.

Will a heavier shaft help a slice?

Heavier shafts also have less torque, which is the resistance to twisting on impact, so a heavier shaft helps prevent slices or hooks and keeps your ball flying straight.

Can a driver fix a slice?

There’s a driver for everyone in the 2020 lineup, including those who want to fix a slice. The slice is one of the most terrifying mis-hits in all of golf. You can find tips to help you fix the most common miss in golf. Another option to help negate the banana ball is to locate a slice-buster driver.

What happens if driver shaft is too heavy?

The heavier a shaft is, the more likely it is that your golf ball will fly low and with less spin. If it’s lighter, the ball will tend to fly higher and spin more. As Briand explains, the weight of a shaft has less impact on swing speed than golfers think, but that lighter shafts could increase the rate of closure.

Will a heavier driver hit the ball farther?

It is clear that a heavier driver head can help you to achieve longer distances, however you need to be able to generate sufficient clubhead and ball speed. However, they may generate excessive spin and reduce distance for faster swinging golfers.

Does a heavier shaft increase swing speed?

On average, the weight of the shaft does not play a huge impact on swing speed. The only group to increase club head speed more than 1 mph with 40- or 50-gram shafts was the High Swing Speed, Low-Handicap group. Despite this, their distance actually decreased due to increased spin.

Does shaft flex affect clubhead speed?

Studies in which golfers hit balls with clubs of varying shaft flex have reported changes in ball distance. These results show that shaft stiffness can affect ball launch conditions by altering clubhead speed and/or loft angle.

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