Do the states control elections?

Do the states control elections?

All elections—federal, state, and local—are administered by the individual states. The restriction and extension of voting rights to different groups has been a contested process throughout United States history.

Who has the responsibility of conducting elections?

Article 324 of the Constitution provides that the power of superintendence, direction, and control of elections to parliament, state legislatures, the office of the president of India, and the office of vice-president of India shall be vested in the election commission.

Is the responsible for conducting fair elections in India?

Election Commission is the federal body of India which is enacted under the provisions of the Constitution, responsible for monitoring and administering all the electoral processes of India. This body is responsible for ensuring elections are free and fair, without any bias.

How are elections conducted in the United States?

In other U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. But the president and vice president are not elected directly by citizens. Instead, they’re chosen by “electors” through a process called the Electoral College. It was a compromise between a popular vote by citizens and a vote in Congress.

What is the duty of returning officer?

Returning officer is the statutory authority to conduct the polling, counting process and to decide validity of ballot paper and election commission has no power to overrule him or her.

What is the role of Comelec?

The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) is the premier guardian of the ballot. Its principal role is to enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of elections, plebiscites, initiatives, referendums and recalls.

What are the power and function of Comelec?

The COMELEC is the principal government agency tasked by the Constitution to enforce and administer all laws and regulations concerning the conduct of regular and special elections.

What is the basis for election in the Philippines?

Every citizen 18 years old or above on Election Day who has been a resident of the Philippines for at least a year and for at least six months in the place where she or he is registered, and who is not otherwise disqualified by law, may vote. To actually vote, a citizen has to register.

Who is the chairman of Comelec?

The current membership of the COMELEC is headed by Chairman Sheriff M. Abas. Completing the composition are Honorable Commissioners Ma. Rowena Amelia V.

What is the role of the Philippine Commission?

The Philippine Commission was the name of two bodies, both appointed by the President of the United States, to assist with governing the Philippines. The first Philippine Commission, also known as the Schurman Commission, was appointed by President William McKinley on January 20, 1899 as a recommendatory body.

Who composed the Commission on Election?

(1) There shall be a Commission on Elections composed of a Chairman and six Commissioners who shall be natural-born citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty-five years of age, holders of a college degree, and must not have been candidates for any elective positions in the …

Who is vested to appoint the chairman and commissioners of the Commission on Elections?

Philippine Constitution, Article IX, Section 1 (2) “The Chairman and the Commissioners shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of seven years without reappointment.

Who are the members of Commission on Appointments?

The Commission is composed of the Senate President, the ex officio chairman, twelve senators, and twelve members of the House of Representatives.

Why do we need Commission on Appointments?

The CA does not curtail the Presidents appointing authority but serves as a check against its abuse. It assures that the President has exercised the power to appoint wisely, by appointing only those who are fit and qualified.

How does the Commission of Appointments function?

The function of the Commission on Appointments is to consent to or confirm nominations or appointments submitted to it by the President. The Commission is thus intended to serve as an administrative check on the appointing authority of the President. The Commission on Appointments is a creature of the Constitution.

What are the appointments made by the President?

The Appointments Clause gives the executive branch and the President, not Congress, the power to appoint federal officials. The President has the power to appoint federal judges, ambassadors, and other “principal officers” of the United States, subject to Senate confirmation of such appointments.

Is an ad interim appointment temporary?

An ad interim appointment is permanent in nature and takes effect immediately. An ad interim appointment ceases to be valid upon disapproval by the Commission on Appointments or, if not confirmed, until the next adjournment of Congress.

Do generals need Senate confirmation?

The nominee must be confirmed by the United States Senate before the appointee can take office and assume the rank. General ranks may also be given by act of Congress but this is extremely rare.

Is the president an officer?

‘” Rather, “officers of the United States” are appointed exclusively pursuant to Article II, Section 2 procedures. It follows that the President, who is an elected official, is not an “officer of the United States.”

How are military officers appointed?

Original appointments in the grades of major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel in the Regular Army, Regular Air Force, and Regular Marine Corps and in the grades of lieutenant commander, commander, and captain in the Regular Navy shall be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

What rank do officers start at?

Most officers enter the Army at second lieutenant. They lead platoon-size units consisting of a platoon sergeant and two or more squads (16 to 44 Soldiers). Officers generally reach the rank of first lieutenant after 18 to 24 months of service.

Is a retired military officer a civilian?

A3: In important respects, retired officers are civilians. They have the same rights and obligations as other citizens and can take part in partisan politics. They retain their commissions, and their obligations to show deference to the president and members of Congress.

Do commissioned officers fight?

Yep. Its typically the 2LT, 1LT, and CPTs that do. Fairly sure Majors and up are more staff officers. yes commissioned officers do see combat if their job/position demands it.

Is it better to enlist or become an officer?

Officers will start out at a higher pay grade than enlisted personnel, though enlisted service members are eligible for a variety of bonuses that can be quite substantial. Officers will also receive higher benefits such as monthly Basic Allowance for Housing.

What is the highest rank for a non commissioned officer?

Sergeant Major

What does it mean to be commissioned as an officer?

A commissioned officer is a military officer who has achieved a rank before officially assuming their role. These officers’ Presidential commissions allow them to command both officers and enlisted personnel under them.

What is the difference between a warrant officer and a commissioned officer?

Warrant Officers outrank all enlisted members, but are not required to have a college degree. Commissioned Officers are assigned through commissioning programs like a military academy, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), or the Air Force Officer Training School (OTS).

Can a sergeant become an officer?

Normally, enlisted service members or non-commissioned officers cannot attain commissioned officer rank through regular promotion. The most notable recipient of a battlefield commission was Audie Murphy, who was promoted from Staff Sergeant to Second Lieutenant during World War II.

Is a sergeant an officer?

The term sergeant refers to a non-commissioned officer placed above the rank of a corporal, and a police officer immediately below a lieutenant in the US, and below an inspector in the UK. In most armies, the rank of sergeant corresponds to command of a squad (or section).

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