Do you put quotation marks around a name?

Do you put quotation marks around a name?

That’s it for most named people or things or places—most are capitalized but do not require italics or quotation marks. A quick rule: Names (of people, places, and things) need to be capitalized, but titles (of things) need both capitalization and either quotation marks or italics.

What does it mean when you put a name in quotation marks?

Quotation marks around single words can occasionally be used for emphasis, but only when quoting a word or term someone else used. Usually, this implies that the author doesn’t agree with the use of the term. He said he was “working”; it looked to me like he was procrastinating.

What does friend in quotation marks mean?

When the question is posed as such, a friend is “just a friend” (a platonic relationship). When someone is a “friend” friend (commonly said with extra emphasis on the first word and often with quotation fingers), the implication is that there is something more going on.

What is the difference between a quote and a paraphrase?

What are the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing? A quote is the exact wording of the source material (either written or spoken). Quotes match the original source word for word. A paraphrase is a detailed restatement in your own words of a written or sometimes spoken source material.

How is information added to a quote?

Adding Information to a Quotation You can add information to a quotation in order to define a word or phrase, to clarify the quotation’s information, or to make a brief comment on the quotation’s information. (Parentheses indicate that the added information is part of the direct quotation itself and not your own.)

How do you remove one word from a quote?

You can shorten quotes by removing words from the middle of the quote and adding ellipses to indicate that you have removed some words. Shortening quotes helps the reader focus on the key information. You can remove words that are redundant or irrelevant to the point you are making.

Can you change punctuation in a quote?

Some punctuation marks at the end of a quotation may be changed to fit the syntax of the sentence in which the quotation appears, as long as meaning is not changed (e.g., it might alter meaning to change a period to a question mark, depending on how the sentence is written).

How do you use dots in a quote?

Use ellipsis points to show omission within the quotation. Omit any punctuation on either side of the ellipsis, unless the punctuation is necessary to make the shortened quotation grammatically correct.

How do you change a quote in APA?

Use square brackets to indicate changes to a quotation, such as adding words, explanations, or emphasis. To “emphasize a word or words in a quotation, use italics. Immediately after the italicized words, insert ’emphasis added’ within square brackets as follows: [emphasis added]” (APA, 2020, p. 275).

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