Do you say flys or flies?

Do you say flys or flies?

In general, flies is the only correct version of this word today. If you were writing unusually detailed period fiction about 19th-century Great Britain, you could use flys as a plural noun to refer to a specific mode of transportation.

How do you spell flies like time flies?

The grammatically correct rendering of this phrase is ‘time flies’. The verb here is ‘to fly’. And, in the third person singular in the present, this verb becomes ‘flies’. It is a third person because ‘time’ is an object or an ‘it’.

Do we say time flies?

Time passes quickly, as in It’s midnight already? Time flies when you’re having fun, or I guess it’s ten years since I last saw you—how time flies. This idiom was first recorded about 1800 but Shakespeare used a similar phrase, “the swiftest hours, as they flew,” as did Alexander Pope, “swift fly the years.”

What is the plural possessive of fly?

“Fly’s” is the possessive form of the noun “fly” (that is, the insect).

Is flies a present tense?

the base form, which you would find in the infinitive: to fly. the third-person, singular, present tense: he flies. the third-person past tense: he flew. and the past participle: he has flown.

What is the plural for baby?

Noun. baby (plural babies)

What is the plural of my?

Answer. The plural form of my is our. Find more words!

Is Girl’s possessive?

For a plural possessive, you need to make a noun plural and use an apostrophe. For example, for the word girls, add an apostrophe at the end of the word “girls” – girls’. Do the same thing for possessive names ending in “s” like “Jones” (Jones’) or “Hastings” (Hastings’) as well.

What is the rule for possession?

Rule 1a. Use the apostrophe to show possession. To show possession with a singular noun, add an apostrophe plus the letter s.

How do you say yes in a cool way?


  1. Yes.
  2. Ya.
  3. Yep.
  4. Yup.
  6. Totally.
  7. Totes.
  8. Sure.

How do you politely say FYI?

2 Answers

  1. I’d just like to bring to your attention… + an issue / a recent discovery / an interesting fact.
  2. I would just like to update you on…
  3. I’d like to notify you that…
  4. Just so you know…
  5. Just so you’re aware…

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