
Do you think extreme sport should be banned?

Do you think extreme sport should be banned?

Extreme sports, by their nature, can lead to serious injury or even death. However, despite the risks that they contain, people should certainly not be prohibited from participating in them. The main problem with banning extreme sports is that all sports possess a level of risk.

Why should contact sports be banned?

“It’s been very well established that playing high impact, high contact sports is not good for children,” Dr Omalu told Hack. Such sports damage the brain of every human being.” He says after just one season of playing contact sports, players can suffer from permanent brain damage.

Are sports a waste of time?

Watching sports matches almost anywhere is a waste of time. If you really love sports, then get involved in it yourself. Staying involved in sports is never a waste of time, but just the watching-and-cheering part is total waste of time and energy whether it is in on TV or in a stadium.

How do sports help academically?

Studies have shown that exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps the body build more connections between nerves, leading to increased concentration, enhanced memory, stimulated creativity, and better-developed problem solving skills. In short, playing sports helps your brain grow and makes it work better.

What is the disadvantages of team sports?

What are the disadvantages of playing sports?…I explain each disadvantage below in more detail.

  • Injuries.
  • Sore Losers.
  • Expense.
  • Snobbery.
  • Cliques.
  • Gamesmanship.
  • Weather Problems.
  • Time Commitment.

Can I lose weight playing badminton?

1. The Easiest Way To Reduce Weight. Playing Badminton for an hour helps in burning 480 Calories (the highest among all sports) and if you make a habit of it then you can lose a bare minimum of 4 Kgs within a month.

Does playing badminton reduce thigh fat?

However, badminton game is considered as the highest sport you can play to burn calories and lose extra weight in a short time. In addition, badminton footwork will burn the fat accumulated around the buttocks, thighs and calf muscles.

Does playing badminton makes you physically fit?

Badminton is a Total Body Workout While you’re lunging, diving, running and getting your heart pumping, playing a game of badminton can help you burn around 450 calories an hour. The varied movements provide a powerful cardio workout by engaging the entire body, including the hamstrings, quads, calves and your core.

Why is badminton so hard?

explains reason another reason why badminton is so hard: “The shuttlecock is so versatile and so deceptive. So, while volleyball players and tennis players can predict the direction of the ball based on their opponent’s obvious preparations, badminton players usually don’t have a clue where the shuttle will go.

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