
Do you use a comma after especially?

Do you use a comma after especially?

A comma is used before especially when especially is used to set off a parenthetical clause, usually at the end of a sentence. No comma is used when especially is not being used to set off a parenthetical clause. Example: That was an especially fine performance.

Is there a comma after perhaps at the beginning of a sentence?

There are times when, yes, you would put a comma after the word “perhaps.” However, many times, you may choose NOT to use a comma because perhaps you don’t need so much emphasis. A comma is not needed if the word is at the beginning of the sentence.

Can a sentence start with especially?

You may use words like ‘especially’ or ‘because’ at the beginning of the sentence as long as you provide a supporting clause after it. Because my dog had fleas, I had to make him sleep outside. Especially when the weather report predicts rain, you should have an umbrella in your car.

Is especially formal?

The words especially and specially have just a hair’s breadth of difference between them. Both can be used to mean “particularly.” Especially tends to be more formal, while specially tends to be more informal: But our words have finer points to them that are worthy of being understood.

What is another word for especially?

What is another word for especially?

specially particularly
very extremely
uncommonly exceptionally
extraordinarily unusually
extra remarkably

What is the antonym of especially?

altogether, slightly, somewhat, chiefly, scantily, minimally, basically, barely, broadly, nominally, ordinarily, by and large, principally, just, normally, little, predominantly, largely, commonly, widely, marginally, overall, hardly, substantially, primarily, generally, mainly, negligibly, mostly, meagerly, usually.

How do you explain especially?

Especially describes something that can be singled out as better or more than. An especially tall building is extremely tall. Behind many good adverbs is a good adjective; this is especially true for the word especially, which is built from the common adjective special.

What does mean Especially?

English Language Learners Definition of especially : more than usually. —used to indicate something that deserves special mention. : for a particular purpose or person.

What does especially for you mean?

Both especially and specially are used to mean “particularly.” • I made this especially for you. • I made this specially for you.

What is the difference between especially and particularly?

I write the meaning from a dictionary for you: Particularly : means more than usually : very, extremely . and used to indicate someone or something that “deserves” special mention eg: It has been a particularly [=especially] dry summer. especially: more than usually : very, extremely .

What does not particularly mean?

: only a little : not very or not very much He is not particularly good at math. “Did you like the movie?” “No, not particularly.”

What is the opposite of particularly?

Antonyms of PARTICULARLY chiefly, normally, barely, little, predominantly, minimally, mainly, hardly, marginally, largely, mostly, scantily, just, scarcely, usually, primarily, by and large, meagerly, substantially, principally, widely, generally, broadly, basically, commonly, altogether, overall.

What does in particularly mean?

adverb. in a particular or to an exceptional degree; especially: He read it with particularly great interest. in a particular manner; specifically; individually. in detail; minutely.

Where do you put particularly in a sentence?

Particularly modifies a verb, adjective, adverb or preposition – essentially anything but the noun….It works best placed before the word it modifies, but for verbs it can also come at the end of a phrase or clause.

  • I particularly like the blue shirt.
  • We particularly want to see the pier.

How do you use particularly in the middle of a sentence?

Particularly sentence example

  1. Nobody is particularly snooty in this world, right?
  2. They didn’t have to be particularly long.
  3. He particularly reverenced the writer and the preacher.
  4. The silk fabrics of France hold the first place, particularly the more expensive kinds.

Can you say in specific?

This phrase is, in my understanding, wrong, because “in” is either a preposition or an adverb. The rule is “Preposition followed by noun”. Specific is an adjective. Grammatically, we can say “specifics” is a noun but we don’t use it like that.

What part of speech is particularly?

part of speech: adverb. definition 1: in or to an unusual or particular degree.

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