Does Cal Poly look at extracurriculars?

Does Cal Poly look at extracurriculars?

Extracurricular Activities and Work Experience Cal Poly takes activities such as work experience, internships, volunteer programs and extracurricular activities into consideration. We are also interested in any leadership roles you may have held in these activities.

Is Cal Poly Computer Science hard to get into?

CS has around a 5-7% acceptance rate so you are correct that your ACT is on the low side. Also Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th grades in their GPA calculation not just 10-11th like all of the rest of the CSU’s. @StressedSeniorr: A MCA of 4700+ has been competitive for Engineering/CS majors. A 4535 is on the low side.

What Cal Poly Pomona is known for?

As one of only seven polytechnic universities nationwide, Cal Poly Pomona is known for its learn-by-doing philosophy. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs through its academic colleges as well as community access to traditional extension programs through the Extended University.

Why the quarter system is better?

Flexibility: The quarter system gives students the opportunity to take part in more classes each year. Smaller Loads: Students end up taking less classes per quarter, which means that they may be able to better focus on each subject during the quarter.

What is a quarter hour in college?

Quarters: Students generally attend a single class one hour per day, five dyas a week, or two classes, 2.5 hours per week to earn 5 credits. Each student takes about 3 classes each quarter to equal 15 credits.

Is Northwestern on a quarter system?

The Institute, dedicated in 1942, adopted the quarter system. To avoid scheduling headaches, the rest of NU came along for the ride. Since then it’s been challenged periodically, said Prof. Mary Kinzie, director of the Creative Writing Program.

How do you answer why Northwestern?

#1: Focus On What Makes Northwestern Unique Don’t just say you want to go to Northwestern because it’s super prestigious or because your mom went there and loved it. Think deeply about why you’ve chosen to apply to Northwestern over the thousands of other colleges in the country.

What colleges use quarter system?

Colleges on a Quarter System

  • California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA)
  • California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (San Luis Obispo, CA)
  • California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Pomona, CA)
  • California State University, Bakersfield (Bakersfield, CA)
  • California State University, East Bay (Hayward, CA)

Is the quarter system harder?

It’s all the same material – just one is more “crammed” than the other. So you will have to time manage more efficiently with a quarter-based program. By the way, a quarter-based program is still a semester (you get 4 semesters instead of 2 and some schools do 3 semesters). Not harder but you are more busy.

Are all CSU on quarter system?

* The San Luis Obispo campus is the only CSU campus on the quarter system where three quarters are equal to two semesters, or one academic year. All other campuses are on the semester system.

Is Cal State LA quarter or semester?

Cal State LA is converting from quarters to semesters. Our last term on the quarter-based calendar is Summer 2016 and our first term on the semester-based calendar is Fall 2016, with Fall semester classes beginning on Monday, August 22, 2016.

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