By Gemma Torres
It is common to hear this type of comments: “every time he speaks worse”, “where are we going to get”… But did you talk worse than when?, do that when we were children? And how can we know this? Because we can only compare the spoken language of today with the written language then. That “worst” is not only different?
The language changes as you change the habits, as a change in society. The language fits the time in which he lives as a chameleon, as the survivor of the living beings. And if you have to condense what you want to say in 160 characters, which allows a SMS message, the speaker compresses and squeezes everything that can, goes packing words in a code whose only limitation is to be understood by the receiver of that message. With a little practice you will quickly discover that tk is “te quiero”, and k acs wapa is clear, right?
Don’t miss you, Coventry University carried out a study with children between the ages of 10 and 12 years on this issue and concluded that those who used a greater number of abbreviations they had “a greater awareness phonological and, therefore, greater predictive ability in the reading of the texts and skill in the handling of words.”
We will have to pensárnoslo twice before you tell our children that “do you the favor of writing that is neither language, nor is nothing.”
Gemma Torres
July 26, 2012 Also published in south of the border