Does environment affect intelligence?

Does environment affect intelligence?

Intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment. Factors related to a child’s home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and nutrition, among others, all contribute to intelligence.

Which of the following findings provides the most evidence that the family environment influences IQ scores?

Which of the following findings provides the most evidence that the family environment influences IQ scores? Siblings reared together have more similar IQ scores than siblings reared apart.

Do you think parents matter for adolescent development?

Yet parents and other family members still play a critical role in the promotion of adolescents’ well-being, by providing a positive support system within which youth can explore their changing identity.

Are peers more important than parents during the process of development?

Yes, the peers are more important in human growth and development but the parents have more responsibility them. Children should transform into adults through the careful hands of the parents and the reasonable influence from the peers.

What is Judith Harris’s theory?

Judith Rich Harris, a psychologist, was writing college textbooks on child development when she suddenly realized she didn’t believe what she was telling readers about why children turn out the way they do. She had her own theory: that children are influenced more by their genes and peers than by their parents.

Who is Judith Rich Harris?

Judith Rich Harris (February 10, 1938 – December 29, 2018) was an American psychology researcher and the author of The Nurture Assumption, a book criticizing the belief that parents are the most important factor in child development, and presenting evidence which contradicts that belief.

Which of the following best describes a parent who uses an uninvolved child rearing style?

Which of the following best describes a parent who uses an uninvolved child-rearing style? low-SES parents’ greater use of coercive discipline. When an authoritarian child-rearing style high in psychological or coercive control becomes excessive, the child will. display anxiety, depression, and aggressive behavior.

Where is the child’s environment a group socialization theory?

GS theory pertains chiefly to outside-the-home socialization. According to the theory, socialization outside the home is primarily a group process, rather than the result of dyadic interactions between individuals.

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