Does Fullmetal Alchemist follow the manga?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the second anime television series based on the manga, with the first being 2003’s Fullmetal Alchemist. Unlike the previous adaptation, Brotherhood is a faithful adaptation that directly follows the original events of the manga.
Is Fullmetal Alchemist manga better than anime?
As a coming-of-age story, the Fullmetal Alchemist anime more honestly reflects the ways people might grow up. The anime also features a more open-ended conclusion than the manga, but it fulfills the central themes of the series and addresses all the complicated moral questions its main characters face.
Is FMA or FMAB darker?
It is darker then most shounen, but not as dark as the more popular “dark” shows. The only difference between the two is that Fullmetal Alchemist does not follow the manga in its latter half. It has 65% fillers.
Is FMAB closer to the manga?
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, or FMAB, is the second adaptation of the original FMA anime series but is more faithful to the original manga. It is believed to be closer to the manga and follows the original events of the manga apparently. Brotherhood is longer than the original FMA with 64 episodes.
Should I watch both FMA and FMAB?
Originally Answered: Should I watch FMA before FMAB? no absolutely not. you can but it’s not necessary . they are the same series adopting the same manga but when FMA was airing the manga wasn’t finished so they made their own story and ending whereas FMAB fully follows the manga and has a better ending/over all story.
Is FMA or FMA brotherhood better?
Brotherhood was a more coherent story (and closer to the Manga). I felt the early part of FMA (before the break off from the manga) did a better job of fleshing out the story. I like Brotherhood more after that divergence point, but the episodes before it felt very rushed in comparison.
Is FMA Brotherhood a sequel?
Brotherhood is not a sequel or a remake.
What order should you watch Fullmetal Alchemist?
You should watch in the following order: Fullmetal Alchemist (the 51-episode 2003 TV series) Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa (a 2005 movie)
Is there anything after FMAB?
Nope, that’s it. Brotherhood finished the story where the original manga finished. There are no movies for it. If you want you can go and watch the 2093 series since it has a few movies and extra content after it but for Brotherhood it’s just the anime.