Does God of War have swearing?

Does God of War have swearing?

While God of War used to be an ultra-violent and gory video game series, the latest entry has changed a lot. The content is still violent, but decidedly less so. There is no drinking or use of substances. There is some minor swearing, such as b****, but any bad language is kept to a minimum.

Can you turn off bad language in God of War?

I mean, there’s no way to turn the language off so you’re slim on options…

Does Kratos ever swear?

That’s not where that word comes from. But yes, since none of our curse words existed in Ancient Greece, there’s no cursing in God of War.

Does Kratos have PTSD?

Kratos’ story begins with him attempting suicide in a moment of despair. Kratos is a soldier with PTSD. He’s brave, strong, and ruthless, but he’s also in very deep pain. Too often, sexual assault survivors disappear from narratives without resolving their stories.

Is Kratos depressed?

He also has a very restricted range of affect (criteria C6), displaying little more or less than intense anger – this is despite strong feelings of depression, as evidenced by his very serious suicide attempt. Kratos often has difficulty staying asleep and has frequent outbursts of anger (criteria D1 and D2).

Why is Kratos bald?

Maybe Kratos became so enraged because he was so young and virile and yet here he was balding, completely unaware that many people believed that there is a link between male pattern baldness and high testosterone. So Kratos has to keep his head bald because he would look terrible with the Archie Bunker look.

Does Lara Croft have PTSD?

Perhaps Lara herself doesn’t realise she has post-traumatic stress – it is common to lack insight or even be in denial that one is suffering, particularly when they view mental health issues as a “weakness” and their primary coping mechanism is to be what they consider “strong”.

Is Lara Croft a psychopath?

2. Lara Croft – Tomb Raider. Square EnixAny way you slice it, Lara Croft is a murderous psychopath. In the older games, she’s a seasoned treasure hunter with no regard for personal safety, or the safety of her enemies.

Did ancient warriors suffer PTSD?

Ancient warriors could have suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as far back as 1300 BC, according to new research. Evidence was discovered of trauma suffered by warriors in Mesopotamia, or modern-day Iraq, under the Assyrian Dynasty, which ruled from 1300-609 BC.

Is Lara Croft a good person Reddit?

She is a flawed person but not a bad person. A bad person would not have resisted the box of Ix Chel despite having reasons to use it. I just wish she would have had to struggle a bit more because she clearly has selfish tendencies.

Is Lara Croft selfish?

She is, at heart, a good person. But obsessive and driven to the point of being selfish. When she has a goal she will literally kill herself to achieve it.

Is Lara Croft insane?

The game goes on to show that Lara Craft is now a full-blown monster. She’s more than an unstoppable killing machine – she’s the Predator now. She now stalks the bad guys and kills them more viciously than she did in the previous games. She says she’s out to save the world, but she kills like a total psychopath.

Is Lara Croft the bad guy?

Now, the third entry to the series “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” puts Lara Croft in the most unlikeliest of roles — villain. While racing Trinity to a relic in Mexico, the hero may have unintentionally started the apocalypse by grabbing a Mayan dagger. It’s something at which the “Tomb Raider” reboot has excelled.

Does Lara Croft steal?

Lara doesn’t just steal artefacts in this game, she steals people’s destiny.

How many did Lara Croft kill?

657 people

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