Does JMU have early action?

Does JMU have early action?

JMU has a non-binding early admission process. Applications for Early Action are due Nov. 15 with decisions posted online in mid-Jan.

Does JMU have an application essay?

Additional Info Essay The personal statement section on the application is your opportunity to tell us in 500 words or less. Read our essay guide to get started. Submit your essay for free peer review to refine and perfect it.

What is the application deadline for JMU?

February 15

Is JMU rolling admission?

No. Whether you apply Early Action or Regular Decision, the ultimate decision will be the same. We offer early admission to candidates whom we are certain we would admit at any time.

Does JMU give money?

JMU academic colleges and departments award between $4,annually to students of great accomplishment and potential. No additional application is necessary.

Does JMU give good financial aid?

Average Grant Award: $7378 Altogether, this is mixed news – at JMU, FEWER students get aid, but the ones who do get MORE than average. If you qualify for aid, this can work out well, since you’ll get a sizable award. But it might be harder for you to qualify for JMU financial aid.

How much does it cost to go to JMU for 4 years?

2020-2021 Annual Costs

In State (Full-Time Undergraduate) Out of State (Full-Time Undergraduate)
Tuition $12,440 $29,468
Room $5,508 $5,508
Board $5,376 $5,376
Books $1,082 $1,082

How much is JMU tuition per year?

Local tuition 12,206 USD, Domestic tuition 29,106 USD (2019 – 20)

How much is JMU tuition deposit?

For new students, a deposit of $250 is required to confirm their acceptance of the offer of admission. When a student pays the deposit, the money is applied to the student’s account. The deadline for this deposit is May 1.

How much are dorms at JMU?

4th+ Year Student — On Campus

Charge Description In-State Amount Out-of-State Amount
Room Rent $2,754 $2,754
Internet Connection Fee $120 $120
Meal Plan (14 Punch $275 DD) $2,688 $2,688
Semester total: $11,412 $20,019

How much are summer classes at JMU?

JMU Semester Programs (Summer)

. Virginia Resident Non-Virginia Resident
Undergraduate $395 $962
Graduate $472 $1,109

What is the JMU comprehensive fee?

The auxiliary comprehensive fee, listed on the student account as the comprehensive fee, is a mandatory fee charged to all students…

What is JMU acceptance rate?

76.8% (2020)

How much is a credit hour at JMU?

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees for 2020-2021

Virginia Resident – Cohort 1 (Career Beginning Prior to Summer 2018)
Hours Tuition Comprehensive Fee
1-11 $220/credit $168/credit
12+ $3,310 $2,540

How much is a 3 credit class at GMU?

Credit Hour Cost and Price per Class

Price Per Credit 3 Credit Class
Virginia Residents $524 $1,572
Out of State Residents $1,501 $4,503

How much is a semester at GMU?

In-State Tuition Discount Available

Tuition Fees
Out-of-State $32,520 $3,504
In-State $9,060 $3,504

Is George Mason a safe campus?

George Mason University is very safe and has its own full-service law enforcement agency on campus.

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