Does Mrs Weasley use Avada Kedavra?
In the book she didn’t, it was a stronger Stupefy in the movie it is unclear what curse she used but it wasn’t Avada Kedavra. It is quiet clear in the books that there are more than one way to kill someone magically, it happens twice: Sirus and Bellatrix.
How did Molly Weasley die?
Motivated by her love for her family, Molly bravely took on Bellatrix Lestrange and killed her to defend her daughter Ginny.
Why was Molly Weasley mad at Hermione?
Molly’s love for Harry, after reading Rita’s view of what was happening, made her angry towards Hermione. She didn’t like someone using her son’s like that. She didn’t know the whole truth, and hence was like that.
How old was Molly Weasley when she had Ginny?
Molly had Ron when she was 31, and Ginny when she was 32, it makes me think how old does a witch have to be before she starts menopause.
How much older is Bill than Ginny?
Bill is two years older than Charlie, who is three years older than Percy, who is two years older than Fred and George, who are two years older than Ron, who is a year older than Ginny….The Evidence.
name | birthday |
Ginny | August 11th |
Percy | August 22nd |
Bill | November 29th |
Charlie | December 12th |
How much older is Molly Weasley than James Potter?
Between both couples there is a difference of about ten years. Molly was born on 30 October, 1949 or 1950, Arthur on 6 February, 1950, and finally James and Lily were born on the same year, 1960, but on different dates, Lily on 30 January and James on almost two months later, on 27 March.
Did James and Lily Potter have jobs?
Lily and James joined the Order immediately upon leaving Hogwarts, as full time fighters, never holding jobs, as James had a lot of inherited wealth, with which he not only supported his own family, but together with Sirius also supported Lupin, both of whom had done the same.
How old was Molly Weasley when she died?
But it sail Molly Weasley lived to the age of 100. It said she lived alone, so I’m assuming Arthur died before the age of 100. It also said she was having problems remembering things, so her mental state wasn’t so great.
Is Molly and Arthur Weasley older?
Molly Weasley was born on 30.10. 1949 or 1950. Arthur Weasley was born on 6.2. 1950.
How old is Molly Weasley in Goblet of Fire?
She was born in 1949. So after the final Battle of Hogwarts, she would’ve been about 48-49.
What is Molly Weasley’s Boggart?
The corpses of her family and Harry Potter
What did Draco call Molly Weasley?