global Change III. The challenge is to the city

Cambio global III. El reto es la ciudad

Source: CEMAV, Center of Design and Production of Audiovisual Media, of the UNED.


The TV series UNED on GLOBAL CHANGE, seeks to promote, in this third installment dedicated to urban ecosystems, a new process of information, anticipation and action proposals, in line with the results of the Report Change Global España 2020-2050.

The concentration of population in cities and their accelerated forms of life and mobility represent one of the biggest challenges to face a sustainable future. More than half of the world’s people now live in cities. In Europe the 80% of the inhabitants are “urbanites”. Cities, as centres of economic, cultural, and social causes important impacts environmental internal and external that have an impact on other rural systems. The necessary integrated planning, jointly considering urban and rural, there are that add new forms of sustainable management and participatory by establishing a strategic dialogue between the countryside and the city in the interests of sustainability and territorial cohesion.



Technical data sheet CHANNEL-UNED:

  • Title: global Change 3. The challenge is to the city.
  • Television program.
  • Issue date: 02-12-2011
  • Duration: 25’ 28’
  • Participants:
    • Jaime Pastor, Professor CC, Political UNED.
    • Fernando Prats, a Member of AUIA (Architects, Planners and Engineers Associated, SL) and of the Board of directors of the CCEIM.
    • Alicia Tórrego, Manager of Fundación CONAMA. Secretary General official College of Physicists.
  • Production and realization: CEMAV

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