How are CLEP scores calculated?
CLEP uses “rights only” scoring, which means that the exams are scored without a penalty for incorrect guessing. Instead, it is converted into a scaled score by a process that adjusts for the level of question difficulty on the different forms of the test. The scaled scores are reported on a scale of 20 to 80.
How many points is the CLEP test out of?
In order to reach the total score you see on your score report, two calculations are performed. answered correctly. Your raw score increases by 1 point for each question answered correctly. that ranges from 20, the lowest, to 80, the highest.
Do CLEP scores affect GPA?
CLEP exams have no effect on your grade point average—all they do is allow you to receive course credit. The score itself will not affect your GPA—which will probably make you feel a little less stressed when test time comes around.
Which CLEP tests are the easiest?
The easiest CLEP exam for one person is potentially the most difficult for another. For example, College Composition Modular and Analyzing & Interpreting Literature both have reputations for being among the easiest CLEP exams, but non-native English speakers might find them difficult.
What happens if you fail a CLEP?
You may not repeat an exam of the same title within three months of the initial testing date. If you retake the exam within the three-month period, your administration will be considered invalid, your score will be canceled and any test fees will be forfeited.”
What is a passing CLEP score?
Generally, only 50 out of 80 is needed to pass a CLEP exam, which comes out to a grade of 63%. The catch is that a CLEP test will appear as a “P” for “pass” on your transcript whether you get a 50 or an 80.
What are the benefits of taking a CLEP exam?
Five Advantages of taking CLEP Exams
- Passing CLEP Exams will Save You Time. Most three-credit college courses meet for between 45 and 48 hours over the course of the semester.
- Credits Through CLEP Exams will Save You Money.
- You can Earn College Credits for What You Already Know.
- You can Take More Classes in Subjects that Matter to You.
- Study at Your Own Pace.
When should you take CLEP exams?
CLEP tests can be taken before you begin college, while you’re enrolled in college, or to finish a final credit or two after college.