How are Harper Lee and scout different?
Harper Lee and Scout Finch both had an older brother and a father at home who was a lawyer. Both of their fathers defended black men in court. Lee and the main character were also both tomboys as kids, both willing to fight, and both quite good at it. In Lee’s story, Scout Finch has no mother, but she did.
What are Scout’s character traits?
Scout’s strongest traits are her intelligence, compassion, and courage. At the beginning of the novel, Scout is naive, curious, and a bit of a tomboy. By the end, her experiences in Maycomb have taught her to be more introspective and perceptive.
How is scout a tomboy?
She is an outspoken tomboy who will fight when she thinks she is right. Scout is also a girl who loses her innocence as the novel progresses. Educationally, her formal schooling seems to hinder her learning, but she learns a great deal from her environment and the people in it.
Why does Scout dress like a tomboy?
Some factors that might influence Scout’s tomboy nature include the following: she is the only girl in her family, she enjoys her independence, she has fun being around Jem, and she is raised by her father. Scout spends a significant amount of time with her older brother, Jem, who is an extremely active child.
Why does Aunt Alexandra disapprove of Scout?
Aunt Alexandra does not approve of Scout because Scout does not fit her ideal of how a little Southern girl should act if she is to grow up to be a proper Southern lady. Alexandra is unhappy, for example, that Scout wears pants and runs around like a tomboy.
What does aunt Alexandra think of scout?
Aunt Alexandra thinks that Scout is dull because she hasn’t had a woman’s influence in her life. Scout knows nothing of the way a lady should act in society. She disapproves of the way Scout acts and the things she says. Aunt Alexandra thinks she is dull because of the ways she passes her time.
What does Uncle Jack do to scout?
Expert Answers Jack spanks Scout because she beats up Aunt Alexandra’s grandson for calling Atticus a cruel name. As a result, Uncle Jack spanks Scout without hearing her reason for acting so violently.
Who was Uncle Jack in To Kill a Mockingbird?
Uncle Jack’s name is John Hale Finch, and he is ten years younger than his brother Atticus Finch. Atticus has helped pay for Uncle Jack’s education…
What lesson does Uncle Jack learn from scout?
Scout teaches Uncle Jack to listen to both sides before punishing a child, and Atticus adds that you should tell a child the truth when he or she asks a question. When Scout gets into a fight with her cousin Francis, Uncle Jack spanks her. When she is upset, he is surprised.
What was Uncle Jack’s mistake?
What was Uncle Jack’s mistake? What did he learn? Atticus was all about fairness and respect. If he felt that he had an unfair advantage over an animal, he would not shoot them unless completely necessary.
Why does Jack say he will never marry?
He plans never to marry so he will never have children. Scout has been a trial to him over the holidays. Jack spanks Scout.
Why does Lady Bracknell allow Jack and Gwendolen to marry what do you think would have happened if she had not allowed it?
What do you think would have happened if she had not allowed the marriage? Lady Bracknell finally lets them get married because he said he does not consent to Algernon and Cecily’s marriage unless him and Gwendolen can get married.
What is the irony in Jack’s refusal to consent to Algernon and Cecily’s engagement?
What is ironic about Jack’s refusal to consent to Cecily and Algernon’s marriage? Jack’s refusal is ironic because in Act One, Algernon would not approve of Jack’s marriage; it is also ironic because Jack claims his refusal is based on Algernon’s dishonesty, while Jack himself is just as dishonest.
How does Oscar Wilde mock marriage?
Wilde also mocks marriage through the use of gender role reversal as seen through Gwendolen and Jacks relationship. Gwendolen is openly flirty with Jack, which was uncommon for a Victorian woman as it was always the man that pursued the woman.