How can I cancel my railway ticket online?
Online ticket cancellation
- Go to the IRCTC official website, and click on ‘Trains’
- Go to ‘Cancel ticket’ and choose ‘E-ticket option’
- Check the booking date for which you need to initiate the cancellation, select the booking date.
- Click on Cancel Ticket.
- The amount will be refunded to your bank account within 3-4 days.
How can I cancel my railway ticket and get refund?
According to IRCTC refund rules, you can get a refund for e-Tickets booked online through the IRCTC platform (website or mobile app) by cancelling them online. Applicable cancellation fees will be deducted from the amount and the refund will be made to the account through which you had made the payment.
How can I cancel my railway ticket in Irctc?
Follow the given steps to cancel your e-ticket:
- Step 1: Visit the official website of Indian Railways,
- Step 2: Go to ‘Booked Tickets’ link.
- Step 3: Select the ticket to be cancelled by selecting the passengers to be cancelled.
How can I cancel railway ticket with PNR number?
How to cancel train ticket online using PNR number on IRCTC
- Enter PNR Number, Train number along with Captcha.
- Select check box to confirm that rules and procedure are read.
- After the OTP is validated PNR details will be displayed on the screen.
- After verifying the details Click on ‘Cancel Ticket’ for full cancellation.
Can I get full refund on train tickets?
If the train is marked as “CANCELLED” in PRS due to breaches, floods, accidents etc. full refund is permissible in case the ticket is cancelled within three days of the scheduled departure of the train. In case of e-tickets, such cancellations can be done by the customer through Internet.
How can I cancel my e-ticket without login?
You can cancel irctc e-ticket without login by sending an email from your registered email id to [email protected] with the Following details: PNR Number. From/To Station. Train number, Journey Date with Person name whose ticket to be canceled.
Can we cancel E-ticket?
E-ticket cancellation is not allowed at face-to-face railway counters. The cancellation can only be done online. If an e-ticket is cancelled within 48 hours and up to 12 hours prior to the scheduled departure of the train , the Indian Railways deducts 25% of the base fare + GST applicable for all AC classes.
Why can’t I cancel my train ticket?
Less than 12 hours and up to four hours before the scheduled departure of a train up to chart preparation, whichever is earlier: 50% of the fare paid, subject to the minimum cancellation charges, mentions IRCTC on its website. E-tickets can’t be cancelled once the chart is prepared.
Can we cancel E-ticket by SMS?
Passengers can also cancel confirmed tickets through SMS by sending PNR number and train number to 139. User will get an OTP number, which has to be entered into for cancelling tickets. This facility will be available only to those passengers who have furnished their mobile numbers at the time of booking the ticket.
Can I cancel counter ticket anywhere?
For cancellation of the counter tickets between 24 hours and up to 4 hours for the confirmed tickets and up to 30 minutes for RAC or waitlisted tickets before the scheduled departure of the train, currently, the refund through IRCTC website or 139 is permitted only at the journey commencing railway station or nearby …
How do I cancel my ticket?
How to cancel your e-ticket and claim refund?
- When it comes to e-ticket cancellation, the procedure is a little different.
- You can log on to and go to ‘booked tickets’ link, then select the ticket to be that needs to be cancelled to initiate the cancellation process.
What if my train is Cancelled do I get a refund?
If your train is cancelled due to accidents, breaches or floods and any other reason, you will be refunded the full fare paid by you. To claim this refund, you should surrender your ticket within three days of the scheduled de-parture of the train.
Can we cancel confirmed train ticket?
If the tickets are confirmed, it can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the scheduled departure of the train. As per IRCTC website, tickets booked online (E-tickets) cannot be cancelled after the chart is prepared.
When can we cancel train ticket?
If you have booked your tickets in sleeper class and your ticket status is either unconfirmed or RAC, you can cancel your ticket 30 minutes prior of the train departure. For these tickets, railways charges Rs 60 cancellation charge per passenger.
How much money is refunded on cancellation of flight ticket?
Refund as per Airline cancellation policy will be Rs. 4750. This amount will be credited into the payment mode chosen by customer. Refund as per Free Cancellation cover – 2500+250 = Rs.
How do you check if a train is Cancelled?
Check Cancelled train list from Railways official website:
- Go to NETS official website for Indian Railways.
- Click on “Trains Cancelled” from the menu bar.
- After Click on you will find out to option Fully Cancelled Trains and Partially Cancelled Trains.
How much money is refunded on cancellation of railway ticket?
Refund of fare shall be made after deduction of cancellation charge of the fare as follows: If a RAC/waitlisted is cancelled then Rs. 60/- (Per Passenger) shall be deducted If a confirmed ticket is cancelled more than 48 hrs before the scheduled departure of the train, flat cancellation charges shall be deducted @ Rs.
Will I get full refund for waitlisted ticket?
In case a RAC or waitlisted ticket is presented for cancellation, the refund of fare is made after deducting the clerkage charge of ₹ 60 per passenger plus GST if the ticket is present for cancellation up to thirty minutes before the scheduled departure of the train irrespective of the distance, mentioned IRCTC.