How can I choose my PhD topic in commerce?

How can I choose my PhD topic in commerce?

Here are a few tips that may help you find the right research topic for your PhD studies:

  1. Before making up your mind, read several dissertations on related subjects to get familiar with different ideas and individual research styles.
  2. Choose a topic that YOU are passionate about.

Which subject is best for PhD in commerce?

Specialisations within the field of Business & Management

  • Project Management.
  • Business Administration.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Finance.
  • Marketing.
  • Management, Organisation & Leadership.
  • Accounting.
  • Public Administration.

What are the topics in commerce?

Business Subject/Topics

  • Accounting.
  • Company Research.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Finance.
  • Industry Research.
  • International Business.
  • Knowledge Management.
  • Marketing.

What is seminar method?

The seminar method is the most modern and advanced method of teaching. A seminar is an advanced group technique which is usually used in higher education. It is an instructional technique it involves generating a situation for a group to have a guided interaction among themselves on a theme.

What happens in a seminar?

Seminars are designed for students to talk about topics in the course reading or lectures in detail, so students have to take an active part in the debate. Sometimes the tutor will lead the seminar, or they might choose students to make a presentation. You could also make some handouts for other students.

How long is a seminar?

Another difference between a seminar and a conference is that while conferences usually last for between a few days and a week, seminars will be much shorter. They may be for an hour or two in the afternoon rather than lasting all day.

What is the main purpose of seminar?

A seminar may have several purposes or just one purpose. For instance, a seminar may be for the purpose of education, such as a lecture, where the participants engage in the discussion of an academic subject for the aim of gaining a better insight into the subject.

Why are seminars important to students?

Seminars, workshops and conferences hold great importance of life of a student. They are platforms not only to learn new aspects, others perspectives and latest information, but also a good way of networking. By learning about new topics and meeting leaders in their field student feels encouraged and motivated.

What is a seminar discussion?

Seminars are often defined as small, discussion-based courses. Typically, students complete readings and assignments before the class and discuss major themes or topics during class. One study suggests that students prefer the intimacy of small group discussion over whole-group discussion (Fox-Cardamone et.

What is the difference between a seminar and a course?

A course is generally the main unit of instruction. A seminar could be a one-off lecture or meeting but a seminar course or a course using a seminar format would be designed for a small group, likely under 20, with more discussion rather than lecture or every student presenting on various topics over the term.

How can I be a good discussion leader?

Do’s and don’ts for discussion leaders

  1. Model the behavior and attitudes you want group members to employ.
  2. Use encouraging body language and tone of voice, as well as words.
  3. Give positive feedback for joining the discussion.
  4. Be aware of people’s reactions and feelings, and try to respond appropriately.

How do you make a discussion interesting?

Let’s do it!

  1. Keep conversations focused on them. Generally speaking, people enjoy talking about themselves.
  2. Find common stories.
  3. Watch late-night talk shows.
  4. Talk slowly and clearly with people.
  5. Curl up with a good book.
  6. Be conscious for having a great conversation.
  7. Wrapping up tips for an interesting conversation.

How do I write a good discussion?


  1. Respect the contribution of other speakers.
  2. Listen well to the ideas of other speakers; you will learn something.
  3. Acknowledge what you find interesting.
  4. Remember that a discussion is not a fight.
  5. Respect differing views.
  6. Think about your contribution before you speak.
  7. Try to stick to the discussion topic.

What happens in a discussion?

In most cases, the goal of a group discussion is to come up with ideas which will allow the group to solve specific problems or learn a skill. The members must be able to summarize the primary points of the information they read, and they should also be able to determine their own understanding of the material.

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