How can I download Gazette Gndu result?

How can I download Gazette Gndu result?

  1. select Examination results.
  2. GNDU Result page will open.
  3. select the Options(Year, course, class semester, course type) & provide roll Number.
  4. Result will appear.
  5. check the marks & download.

What is rl d in Gndu result?

Marks shown in the column of result means pass. RL means result late on account of reason/s shown in. the brackets. R means Re-Appear in the subject/s shown in brackets.PRS means previous result stands. D in the column of Result means Distinction.

What is the meaning of RL D?


Acronym Definition
RLD Reference Listed Drug (drug used to compare effects and safety with trial drug FDA)
RLD Road Load Data (ground vehicle measurement)
RLD Rijksluchtvaartdienst
RLD Restrictive Lung Disease

How can I check my Gndu Gazette?

How to Check & Download GNDU Result Gazette 2021?

  1. Students need to first visit the GNDU official website.
  2. At home page, you need to click on “Examination” link.
  3. Then navigate the Results link.
  4. Select Year, month, courses, semester from drop down list.
  5. Enter Roll No.
  6. Now the Result will display on screen.

How do I apply for revaluation in Gndu?

Step to Online Apply GNDU Re-valuation Form 2021

  1. All students first visit go on the official website.
  2. After fin out Revaluation form link on the home page.
  3. Click on it and enter the required details.
  4. Click on the submit button.
  5. Take the print out hard copy your application form of it.

How do I get a student ID for Gndu?

Click/Select GNDU University Admission to register for affiliated colleges of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Click at New Student Registration link to register in the Student portal. Click on “New Student Registration” link to register into the system.

How do I fill Gndu compartment form?

Those students who want to fill the GNDU Reappear Exam Form can visit the official website at to fill the reappear form 2020, Apply before the last date of the GNDU Reval Form direct link provided in this article.

Is Gndu admission open?

GNDU admission 2021 – Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar has started the GNDU 2021 admission process on April 20, by opening the registration window. The entrance exam of GNDU 2021 admission will be conducted in offline mode.

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