How can I get 10th Marksheet if lost in Tamilnadu?

How can I get 10th Marksheet if lost in Tamilnadu?


  1. Candidates can get the Duplicate Certificate or Certified Copy of Mark List in case of loss of certificate or destroyed by flood or fire.
  2. Immediately on loss of original certificate the candidate must lodge a complaint in the nearest Police Station.

How can I get lost SSLC mark sheet?

To get a duplicate marksheet and certificate:

  1. File an FIR in the nearest police station.
  2. Fill the application form available on CBSE Website.
  3. Fill the application form carefully.
  4. An Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.
  5. Prepare a demand draft for the requisite amount.

How can I check my 10th Marksheet online in Tamilnadu?

Steps to check your TN SSLC Class 10 Results 2021

  1. Visit the official website — or
  2. Click on the link of ‘SSLC Exam – March 2021 Results’
  3. Enter the Registration number and Date-of-birth.
  4. The result will appear on the screen.
  5. Download your results and keep a printout for future reference.

How can I get 10th Marksheet 2020?

Visit the website– Under the education section, click on the ‘Central Board Of Secondary Education’ link. Select Class 10 passing certificate or Class 12 marksheet as per requirement. Login using the registered mobile number with CBSE and access your marksheet and/or certificate.

What happens if I lost my 10th Marksheet CBSE?

To get a duplicate marksheet and certificate: File an FIR in the nearest police station. Fill an application form: Send to CBSE regional office with all attachments.

Does CBSE provide 10th passing certificate?

CBSE do not provide any passing certificate separately for class 10th. Marksheet of class 10th act as passing certificate too. But in 12th class there is separate passing certificate apart from marksheet.

How do I get a 10th certificate if I lost Pseb?

How to get Duplicate 10th 12th Certificate from PSEB (Offline) ?

  1. Punjab School Education Board i.e
  2. Click on “Duplicate Section”
  3. Click on “Duplicate Certificate Form (for as per office Record)”
  4. A PDF file will be downloaded.
  5. Fill the Application Form correctly.
  6. Paste the Photographs.

Can I change my date of birth in 10th certificate Pseb?

– You need to download the correction form. – Fill the application form with correct details. – Submit the form with the proof of date of birth certificate. – After few days the PSEB will verify and send you the 10th class certificate with correct DOB.

How do I correct my name in 10th certificate Pseb?

Step 1: Download and take a printout of the application form. Step 2: Read instructions given at the bottom of the application form, and fill up the form carefully. Step 3: Attach the following documents required for making corrections or changes in your name.

How can I change my date of birth in 10th Marksheet Punjab Board?

Answers (1) You cannot change your date of birth in your class 10th certificate, the only way out for you is to get a fresh birth certificate by writing an application to the municipal officer that your birth certificate was not issued at the time of birth due to you being born in a remote area.

Can 10th Marksheet be corrected?

Correction in 10th mark sheet is required some time when there is error done by board or school in education documents. yes It is possible that you can change there name and surname corrected and changed in your 10th Marksheet and 10th Certificate later.

How can I change my father’s name in 10th Marksheet?

In order to change your father’s name from your 10th &12th certificates you need to visit your regional office of your respective school board with an application stating that you need to rectify the name of your father in the certificates and then the officials will tell you the further steps.

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