How can I make my CO2 car more aerodynamic?
You can help reduce it by making sure the axles are free to rotate, and that the wheels and tires are not rubbing on the car body. Drag: Here’s where aerodynamics come into play. As an object moves through the air, it is met with air resistance as speeds increase.
What gives a CO2 dragster its power for speed?
There’s more science than you might think to designing a CO2 car. Aerodynamics, thrust-to-weight ratio, surface drag, rolling resistance and friction–all play a role in what makes a CO2 car fast or slow.
What are the 3 main forces that act on your CO2 car?
Lift – an upward force resulting from air being forced underneath a car. Drag – air resistance that pushes against a vehicle. Thrust – a forward force produced by an engine or turbine. Gravity – force acting on a car trying to hold it down to the earth.
What is used to thrust CO2 cars?
For all the dragsters in the challenge, a CO2 charger provides the force to move the vehicle forward. The chargers contain a large volume of carbon dioxide gas under extreme pressure. The firing pin on the start gate makes a hole in the nozzle so the pressurized CO2 gas escapes producing thrust or force.
How fast can a CO2 car go?
They’re fast, too — on a 65.5-foot (20-meter) track, the cars can cross the finish line in just over a second, traveling at nearly 70 miles per hour (112.7 kilometers per hour)!
What objects are aerodynamic?
Some technologies that depend on aerodynamics are cars, bicycle racing helmets, wind turbines, and golf balls. Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things. Since air is all around us, there are many examples of aerodynamic technology other than for aircraft. Look at golf balls for example.
Why does shape affect drag?
That depends also on how the object is oriented to the incident fluid. A flat plate will generate more drag when the incident fluid is perpendicular to the surface whereas it will generate less drag if the fluid is parallel to the surface. Any shape or orientation that produces turbulent flow is generating drag.
Does drag slow you down?
An airplane has drag when it flies through the air. Drag makes the plane go slower. When you run, your legs have to move fast to make you run forward. The engine in airplanes makes planes go forward.