How can I write my own story?

How can I write my own story?

Everything I Know About How to Write a Story

  1. Write In One Sitting. Write the first draft of your story in as short a time as possible.
  2. Develop Your Protagonist.
  3. Create Suspense and Drama.
  4. Show, Don’t Tell.
  5. Write Good Dialogue.
  6. Write About Death.
  7. Edit Like a Pro.
  8. Know the Rules, Then Break Them.

How do I write my day?

My daily routine: I always wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus.

How can I describe my daily routine?

After dinner I wash up, sweep the floor, and tidy up a bit. Then I make phone calls, mark my students’ work, do the laundry. Then I go on Facebook, or watch TV until about 10.30 when my son comes home. We catch up on our day, and at about 11 o’clock I go to bed.

What is your daily routine?

Since I’m a student, my daily routine focuses on studying and classes. I usually wake up at 6:00 am and do my daily routines like brushing my teeth, taking a shower and getting ready for class. After which I check my notes and revise for the day. I leave my house a bit early, so as to not get in the morning traffic.

How I spend my day today?

Today, I got up at 7 AM. Then I had a shower ed and did the ate breakfast. After breakfast, I went to bus stop and took the bus to went to the college. In college, I took had an English class for one and a half hours, long English class.

How do I spend my day at home?

The following are the five ways in which I spend a day at home:

  1. Early in the morning, I used to go to the park for running and some exercises.
  2. After coming back home I take breakfast prepared by Mom.
  3. Following this, I take a bath and eat my lunch.
  4. In the evening, I went to the park with my Grandfather.

How do I spend my Sunday?

I get up late on a Sunday morning and laze around. My mother also gives me a relaxation in the ‘early to bed and early to rise’ schedule. She prepares any of my favourite dish for the special Sunday breakfast. I take a leisurely bath unlike a hurried one every other day.

How do you spend your day reply?


  1. Create a Good Morning Routine. One of the best ways to start your day is to get up early and eat a healthy breakfast.
  2. Prioritize. Sometimes we can’t have a productive day because we just don’t know where to start.
  3. Focus on One Thing at a Time.
  4. Take Breaks.
  5. Manage Your Time Effectively.
  6. Celebrate and Reflect.

How’s your day so far meaning?

As has been pointed out already, over and over and over again, the correct usage would be: “How has your day been so far?”, usually abbreviated to “How’s your day been so far?” (How’s can mean how is and how has).

How’s your day meaning?

All it means is how has the day been going do you feel good or do you feel bad? do you feel nervous or sad? do you feel angry or mad? do you feel happy or excited?

How was your day reply to girl?

“How has your day been?” is better. The answer to that is easier. “My day has been fine, thank you.” Or just, “Fine, thank you.” Is it okay to ask a girl if she’s busy because she took a while to respond (context: she usually responds in minutes)?

How do you respond to what’s up in a flirty way?

Flirty Responses to “How Are You”

  1. I feel all the better now that you asked me.
  2. Everything is fine with you around.
  3. Right now, I’m on my way to paving a path to your heart.
  4. I’m single and ready to mingle!
  5. Thank god you finally noticed me!
  6. I have never been so strong.
  7. How is your favorite person doing today?! (Hahaha.

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