
How can we prevent abortion?

How can we prevent abortion?

Prevention and control Unsafe abortion can be prevented through: comprehensive sexuality education; prevention of unintended pregnancy through use of effective contraception, including emergency contraception; and. provision of safe, legal abortion.

Is abortion legal in Philippines?

Abortion remains illegal in the Philippines under all circumstances and is highly stigmatized. While a liberal interpretation of the law could exempt abortion provision from criminal liability when done to save the woman’s life, there are no such explicit provisions.

What is the name of the abortion pill?

What is the abortion pill? The abortion pill is a medicine that ends the pregnancy. The medical name for the abortion pill is mifepristone. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone.

What should I eat after abortion?

Consume lots of green leaves, dry fruits, dry ginger, garlic, sesame seeds, milk. As abortion can lead to hormonal imbalances avoid foods that can aggravate your condition. Avoid junk foods, sugar-based drinks and foods, and skip food items that can cool your body down like Potatoes, raw bananas, bottle guard.

What are side effects of abortion pills?

What to expect during and after a medication abortion

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, headache and fever.
  • pain – usually within half an hour and generally much stronger than period pain.
  • bleeding one to four hours later – heavier than a period and there may be large clots.

What are signs of an incomplete abortion?

An incomplete abortion involves vaginal bleeding, cramping (contractions), cervical dilatation, and incomplete passage of the products of conception. A woman experiencing incomplete abortion frequently describes passage of clots or pieces of tissue, and reports vaginal bleeding.

Is it better to get the abortion pill or surgery?

Both medical (the “abortion pill”) and surgical procedures are excellent, safe methods. Some patients prefer the convenience of the surgical procedure because in 1-day they know their abortion is complete and can return to regular activities.

What to expect after an abortion?

You may have cramping, bleeding, and spotting after your abortion. You’ll want to rest for a while, but most people are back to their usual activities the next day.

Can abortion make your stomach big?

You may notice some abdominal swelling or bloating following your procedure. Some swelling is normal and may last for 3 to 5 days.

Does abortion pain feel like labor pain?

Some women may experience moderate pain as a result of these uterine contractions. Every woman who has a medical abortion will respond differently. Some women describe the experience as being similar to having a heavy period and cramps. Others may experience more intense cramping.

How long does it take to recover from an abortion?

Recovery time The bleeding usually stops within 6 weeks. Recovery may take longer for late-term abortions. If complications develop, recovery can take much longer, and people may need hospitalization or surgery. This is unusual though, and most women will recover within a few weeks.

Is it normal to feel movement in your stomach after abortion?

People who’ve been pregnant may experience phantom kicks, or a sensation that a baby is in their abdomen. This feeling is most common soon after delivery, but some people experience it even years later. Likewise, people who have had a miscarriage or abortion may experience this sensation.

Does abortion hurt the first month?

The level of cramping, pain, and bleeding can be intense, and may depend on the timing in the pregnancy (14). A follow-up appointment usually happens a week or two later. First trimester medication abortions are safe and very effective.

What are the signs of pregnancy after an abortion?

How soon after abortion can you get pregnant?

  • tender breasts.
  • sensitivity to smells or tastes.
  • nausea or vomiting.
  • fatigue.
  • missed period.

How long do pregnancy symptoms last after abortion?

What if I still feel pregnant? Pregnancy symptoms of nausea, vomiting and weariness usually cease within three days. Breast tenderness may take seven to 10 days to disappear. Your breasts may feel firm and tender and leak fluid after your procedure.

What medicine is used to stop bleeding after abortion?

Yaoliuan capsule is an effective drug to prevent and treat vaginal bleeding following drug-induced abortion, promote menstruation recovery and prevent pelvic infection.

Which antibiotic is good after abortion?

Doxycycline, Azithromycin and Flagyl are antibiotics to help prevent infections. Take this medication exactly as written on your prescription bottle. Methergine/Ergotamine help to shrink the uterus to its normal size.

How is the first period after abortion?

Your first period may be heavier than usual if you had a medical abortion because your body has to remove all of the extra tissue from your uterus. You might also pass some small blood clots. Periods after a surgical abortion may be lighter at first. They should normalize within a few months.

What happens if I don’t get my period after an abortion?

The first periods after a medical abortion may be heavier and longer than before. The first period after a surgical abortion may be shorter and lighter. If a woman’s periods do not start 8 weeks after an abortion or return to normal after 3 months, she should see her doctor. Postabortion bleeding is normal.

Which type of abortion is less painful?

One woman ranked her experiences in terms of intensity and duration: “… the least painful was suction abortion, at level 7-8 but only for a short period of time. The second one would be the recent [medical] abortion, heavy bleeding hurt at level 9-10.

How does an abortion feel physically?

For most people, it feels like strong period cramps. Your doctors and nurses will help make your abortion as comfortable as possible. You’ll get pain and numbing medications that will make it hurt less and you may get sedation. You may have a little cramping after your abortion.

Where do Labour pains start?

Labor contractions usually cause discomfort or a dull ache in your back and lower abdomen, along with pressure in the pelvis. Contractions move in a wave-like motion from the top of the uterus to the bottom. Some women describe contractions as strong menstrual cramps.

What are the symptoms for normal delivery?

Look out for these 10 signs of labor that tell you baby’s on the way:

  • Baby “drops”
  • Cervix dilates.
  • Cramps and increased back pain.
  • Loose-feeling joints.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Weight gain stops.
  • Fatigue and “nesting instinct”
  • Vaginal discharge changes color and consistency.

What week is OK to give birth?

Pregnancy lasts for about 280 days or 40 weeks. A preterm or premature baby is delivered before 37 weeks of your pregnancy. Extremely preterm infants are born 23 through 28 weeks. Moderately preterm infants are born between 29 and 33 weeks.

How do I know its Labour pain?

But there are several signs that labour may be starting. You may experience: a ‘show’, which is when the mucus plug from your cervix comes away – it appears as a pink-brown jelly-like blob or in pieces. pains in your tummy that may feel like strong period pains – these these are the start of contractions.

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