How close to the word count should I be?

How close to the word count should I be?

Although many colleges give you roughly 10% leeway on the word limit, you should aim for your finished paper to be as close to the suggested word count as possible.

What does 500 words look like on a4?

When it comes to comparing pages with word count, 500 words is an important number to remember. Using single spacing, 500 words is the same as 1 page. With double spacing, it’s around 2 pages. In both cases you’ll be using margins of a standard 1 inch and a font such as Times New Roman or Arial in 12pt size.

How many words is 3 sides of A4?

Using this as an example, a 3-4 page double spaced paper is 750-1000 words, and a 7 page double spaced paper would be 1750 words. Assignments often specify a research paper or essay length in terms of words, rather than pages – a paper of 750-1000 words or a paper of 1500-1750 words.

Who is the world’s richest kid?

Prince George Alexander Louis

Do figures count in word count?

Tables, diagrams (including associated legends), appendices, references, footnotes and endnotes, the bibliography and any bound published material are excluded from the word count.

How do you say because of?

11 Substitutes for because and because of

  1. As and since. These conjunctions are used when the reason is already known to the reader or when it is not the most important part of the sentence.
  2. As a result of. As a result of is a substitute for ‘because of’.
  3. As long as. As long as can mean ‘since’ or ‘because’.
  4. Due to.
  5. For.
  6. Inasmuch as.
  7. In view of the fact that.
  8. Now that.

What can be used instead of I?

What is another word for I?

I for one I myself
I personally me
myself yours truly
me personally personally
for me ourself

What can I say instead of due to the fact?

What is another word for due to the fact?

therefore thus
hence consequently
accordingly so
as a result because of this
due to this ergo

Is due to the fact Formal?

Although “due to” is now a generally acceptable synonym for “because,” “due to the fact that” is a clumsy and wordy substitute that should be avoided in formal writing.

How do you use due to the fact?

It is simpler to write “due to”. For example, the sentence “Organisers delayed the start of the marathon due to the fact that it was raining” is better written as “Organisers delayed the start of the marathon due to the rain” or, better still, “…. because it was raining.”

What’s another way to say due to?

What is another word for due to?

because for the sake of
on account of for
as a result of in view of
on behalf of over
owing to thanks to

Can you say due to?

The traditional view is that you should use “due to” only as an adjective, usually following the verb “to be” (1). For example, if you say, “The cancelation was due to rain,” the words “due to” modify “cancelation.” That sentence is a bit stilted, but it fits the traditionalist rule.

What can I use instead of in order to?

What is another word for in order to?

to so as to
so as to achieve for
towards in order to obtain
toward geared toward
in preparation for in order to facilitate

What’s the meaning of in order to?

In order to is a subordinating conjunction. We use in order to with an infinitive form of a verb to express the purpose of something. It introduces a subordinate clause. [main clause]Mrs Weaver had to work full-time [subordinate clause]in order to earn a living for herself and her family of five children.5 hari yang lalu

How do you say in order to in different ways?


  1. after.
  2. as.
  3. beneficial to.
  4. concerning.
  5. conducive to.
  6. during.
  7. for the sake of.
  8. in contemplation of.

Is in order to formal?

to… / in order to…. / so as to…. If we use in order to it sounds a bit more formal and explicit than to by itself, but both are equally possible in both spoken and written English. They both convey exactly the same meaning when expressing purpose: To cut the tree down, I had to hack through the undergrowth first.

Is it bad to use in order to?

It’s perfectly grammatical if correctly used, and using it correctly isn’t hard. The most likely potential problem is that in many circumstances it’s overkill. Most of the time, “to” by itself has the same meaning: “He did A (in order) to achieve B.”

Is in order for correct?

“In order to (verb)” and “In order for (subj.) to (verb)” are much more common. “In order that” sounds odd, but is technically correct.

What is the difference between to and in order to?

4 Answers. in order to communicates purpose or intent rather than timing. You can simply use to instead, and your sentence will be correct, but in order to makes explicit the actor’s reasoning for performing the first action. “to” is part of the infinitive in English & does not necessarily connote purpose/intention.

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