How did basketball start in the Philippines?

How did basketball start in the Philippines?

Basketball was introduced in the Philippines during the American colonial period with the first American teachers teaching the sport along with baseball through the YMCA and the school system. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which had basketball as its main sport, was established in 1924.

Who introduce basketball in the Philippines?

In 1898, American colonizers introduced the sport as part of revisions they made to the official Philippine school system. Although the Americans also attempted to teach baseball, basketball was the sport that took off, and just 15 years later, the Philippines won gold in the 1913 Far Eastern Games.

When was basketball introduced in the Philippines and who introduce it?

The American colonial government first introduced basketball in the Philippines in 1910, making it part of the physical education curriculum in schools. It was originally intended as an activity for girls, as baseball and track and field were deemed too rough and intense.

How does basketball relate to life?

One of the most important life lessons kids can pick up from basketball is to value their body and take better care of their health. Otherwise, they won’t be able to play. The sport demands strong feet, knees, and hands. Basketball players need to take care of their eyes and ears to coordinate while gaming.

How many original rules are in basketball?

13 original rules

Is eurostep a travel?

A controversial Euro step by James Harden during Saturday night’s Houston Rockets – Utah Jazz game has fans torn as to whether or not refs should have called it traveling. Harden appeared to take three steps en route to the basket, but the NBA’s rules allow any player to take two steps after he gathers his dribble.

Why isn’t a eurostep a travel?

The move is a crafty way to distribute the two steps allocated to a player after he stops dribbling, and it goes right to the edge of being a traveling violation. Anecdotal reports indicate that officials not familiar with the move may call it a traveling violation.

Is Stepback a travel?

“Every James Harden stepback three is a travel,” griped another. NBA players being allowed to take two steps before passing or shooting is a relatively new development. The league moved away from the “one-step rule” in 2009 so that players “may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball.”

Why is it called eurostep?

Background. Yes, you guessed it, the Euro step gets its name from the decades it was used in European basketball leagues. The move was brought to the NBA by Šarūnas Marčiulionis in1989, and popularized in the 2000s by shooting guard great, Manu Ginóbili.

Who invented eurostep?

Sarunas Marciulionis

Is it illegal to jump on a free throw?

Can you jump on a free throw? Yes, given the free throw shooter does not leave the defined area at any point during the procedure of a free throw(1).

Is 3 steps a travel in basketball?

Taking more than two steps with control of the ball is considered a travel, so in this case, three steps is a travel. Oftentimes a player will catch the ball while taking a step but not have full control of it and then take two more steps for a layup or dunk, this is legal.

How do you avoid traveling in basketball?

Steer clear of these types of movements in most basketball leagues to avoid traveling: Lifting of the pivot foot if one has been established. and returning it to the floor before passing or shooting. Lifting of the pivot foot before releasing the ball to dribble.

What is the rule on traveling in basketball?

Traveling is a violation in basketball that occurs when a player takes too many steps without dribbling. The usual rule of thumb is that a player may only take two steps without dribbling; three steps is a travel.

What are the three positions in basketball?

Players in a basketball game have assigned basketball positions: center, power forward, small forward, point guard, and shooting guard. The center is the tallest player on each team, playing near the basket. On offense, the center tries to score on close shots and rebound.

What does in the paint mean in basketball?

free throw lane

What is the most important position in basketball?

point guard position

What does screen mean in basketball?

Page 1. Setting and using Basketball Screens. A screen, also called a “pick” is a legal block set by an offensive player on the side of or behind a defender in order to free a teammate to take a shot or receive a pass.

What are the terms in basketball?

Basketball Glossary

  • Air Ball: The ball misses the hoop and backboard entirely.
  • Alley-oop: A high arc pass to a teammate in a position near the basket to leap and score.
  • Alternating-possession rule: A rule in which teams take turns possessing the ball after stopped plays.
  • Assist: A pass that sets up a score.

What is the history of basketball summary?

Basketball was invented in 1891 by Dr James Naismith, a Canadian of Scottish descent at Springfield College Massachusetts. When the game was first played, peach baskets were nailed up at each end of the gymnasium as “goals”, hence the origin of the name “basketball”. …

What is the original rule of basketball?

No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the …

What does a basketball symbolize?

Basketball symbolizes a way to gain fame and wealth. It also represents a way for Lonnie to have a modicum of control over his life.

What are the most important skills in basketball?

Shooting is the most important skill in basketball. The fundamental skills of passing, dribbling, defense, and rebounding may enable you to get a high percentage shot, but you must still be able to make the shot.

What is the hardest skill in basketball?


How do you shoot a basketball perfectly every time?


  1. As you catch the ball, move it quickly into the shot pocket.
  2. Line everything up so the ball and your shooting eye form a straight line to the basket.
  3. Position the ball several inches above your waist.
  4. Grip the ball properly and be ready to shoot.

What are two dribbling tips in basketball?

Practice your front and rear crossover dribble at the same time. Cross-over one ball in front and cross-over the second ball behind you. Dribble both balls in front. Then every few dribbles, swing one ball around the back to the other side, while crossing over the other ball in front to the other hand.

What are the 3 passes in basketball?

“The most commonly used passes are the chest pass, push pass, bounce pass and overhead pass.”

What are some good basketball drills?

Here are five fun basketball drills every coach should know.

  • Bulldog Drill. This drill helps players develop dribbling skills while running at high speed, such as on a fast break.
  • Terminator Drill.
  • 3-Man Weave Drill.
  • Knockout Drill.
  • Loose Ball Drill.

How can I improve my dribbling skills in basketball?

9 Tips To Improve Your Dribbling & Ball Handling

  1. Dribble the ball hard.
  2. Head up at all times.
  3. Use your finger tips to control the ball, not your palm.
  4. Use your imagination.
  5. Teach mentality.
  6. Basketball is a game of length.
  7. Basketball is also a game of angles.
  8. Don’t do things in 2 dribbles that you can do in 1.

Which position is the best dribbler in basketball?

point guard

How can you improve your skills in basketball?

8 Ways to Improve Your Basketball Skills

  1. Prioritize ball control.
  2. Identify and improve your weak spots.
  3. Practice at game speed.
  4. Improve your physical fitness.
  5. Work on your lower body shooting mechanics.
  6. Practice your hand alignment on the ball.
  7. Watch more college basketball games.
  8. Work on creating space from your defender.

How do you improve your crossover skills in basketball?


  1. Develop your dribble. Before you attempt a crossover, make sure you’ve got a good handle on power dribbling and can maintain good ball control.
  2. Fake to your dominant side. To do an accurate-looking fake, push the ball to the side you’re dribbling it in.
  3. Hesitate.
  4. Stay low and wide.
  5. Cross the ball over.

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