How did Cavendish calculate the volume of the earth?

How did Cavendish calculate the volume of the earth?

Cavendish calculated the force of attraction between the balls from the observed period of oscillation of the balance and deduced the density of the Earth from the force.

How was the density of the Earth originally determined?

A scientist named Henry Cavendish is known for calculating the mass (and then density) of the Earth. He placed masses of metal near these balls in order to measure the force of attraction between them. Correspondingly, he could then find the attraction on a mass the size of the Earth and then determine its density.

What did the Cavendish experiment measure?

Cavendish experiment, measurement of the force of gravitational attraction between pairs of lead spheres, which allows the calculation of the value of the gravitational constant, G. The experiment was performed in 1797–98 by the English scientist Henry Cavendish.

What is the experiment to measure the density of Earth called?

the Cavendish experiment

What is value of G?

Its value is 9.8 m/s2 on Earth. That is to say, the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the earth at sea level is 9.8 m/s2. When discussing the acceleration of gravity, it was mentioned that the value of g is dependent upon location.

What is SI unit of G?

In SI units, G has the value 6.67 × 10-11 Newtons kg-2 m2. The direction of the force is in a straight line between the two bodies and is attractive. The acceleration g=F/m1 due to gravity on the Earth can be calculated by substituting the mass and radii of the Earth into the above equation and hence g= 9.81 m s-2.

What is G called?

Universal Gravitation Constant

Can you jump off the moon?

No, you can’t escape the Moon’s gravity by jumping. The Moon’s gravity extends to infinity; it does not end or go to zero. And no one can just up with enough energy to achieve Escape Velocity: 2400 m/s (2 miles/sec).

Is Gravity present on moon?

The Moon’s surface gravity is about 1/6th as powerful or about 1.6 meters per second per second. The Moon’s surface gravity is weaker because it is far less massive than Earth. A body’s surface gravity is proportional to its mass, but inversely proportional to the square of its radius.

Why value of g is constant?

The force of attraction between any two unit masses separated by a unit distance is called universal gravitational constant denoted by G measured in Nm2/kg2. The value of the gravitational constant is the same throughout the universe. The value of G is different from g, which denotes the acceleration due to gravity.

Who found the value of G?

Lord Henry Cavendish

What is small G in physics?

The acceleration on an object due to the gravity of any massive body is represented by g (small g). The force of attraction between any two unit masses separated by unit distance is called universal gravitational constant denoted by G (capital G).

Where the value of g is maximum?


Where is the value of g 0?

centre of Earth

Why value of g is greater at pole?

It is frequently stated that the value of the acceleration due to gravity at the pole is larger than at the equator because the poles are closer to the center of the earth due to the earth’s oblateness. The measured value is larger because the earth’s density is not uniform but increases toward the center.

Where is value of G minimum?

the equator

Does zero gravity exist?

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no such thing as zero gravity. Weightlessness and zero gravity are two different things. The earth’s gravity keeps the moon in orbit. And astronauts are generally much closer to earth than the moon is, which means that the earth’s pull on them has to be much stronger.

What is the maximum value of g at poles?

9.83 m/s2

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