
How did Dupin find the purloined letter?

How did Dupin find the purloined letter?

Dupin spotted it in a card holder when he first paid a visit to the Minster, thinking that he would have disguised the letter in such a manner. During this visit, Dupin purposely left his snuffbox behind so that he would have an excuse to return.

In which city has said the story The Purloined Letter?


Who wrote the purloined letter?

Edgar Allan Poe

Why does Dupin take the case?

Dupin is not a professional detective. In “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, Dupin takes the case for amusement and refuses a financial reward.

Which work finally gives Poe fame?

In January 1845, Poe’s poem, “The Raven” was published by the New York Evening Mirror and became an overnight sensation. What evidence was given to show that Poe enjoyed his fame? Poe was paid $14 for The Raven which would be about $440 in today’s dollars.

Why does everyone in the story seem so uninterested in what the letter actually contains?

Why does everyone in the story seem so uninterested in what the letter contains? The first reason why no one wants to meddle with the contents of the letter is that it concerns the Royal Lady who gave precise instructions that this matter should be handled discreetly.

How truthful is the narrator in the purloined letter?

From what motivations does he appear to be operating? The narrator in “The Purloined Letter” is truthful. We are not told any reason for him to lie; his motivation appears to be that he enjoys solving a mystery and admires how his friend’s mind works.

Who is the prefect in the purloined letter?

Monsieur G

Why does Germont want to find the stolen letter as presented in the story The Purloined Letter?

“Germont and his policemen could not find the letter, because they did not try to understand the mind of the man who stole it. Instead, they looked for the letter where they would have hidden it.

Who is the protagonist and antagonist of the purloined letter?

The Minister D— D— is blackmailing the royal lady, and using his power over her to get what he wants politically. He’s also the enemy of Dupin, our protagonist. That alone makes him the antagonist.

What genre is the purloined letter?

Detective novel

What is Mr Germont’s simple problem that requires the help of Mr Dupin?

What is Mr. ​Germont’s ‘simple problem” that requires the help of Mr. Dupin? Someone stole Madame X’s letter.

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