How did Fenrir Greyback die?

How did Fenrir Greyback die?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Hermione’s Stunning Spell sends Greyback off the Viaduct Courtyard to the ravine below and to his death after he was discovered mauling Lavender Brown.

What was Fenrir Greyback going to do to Hermione?

Harry could feel Ron shaking. Fortunately, he never had the chance to hurt her. But during the final battle, Greyback attacked the crumpled, wounded body of Lavender Brown — fittingly, it was Hermione who defended her, and Trelawney who dropped him to save one of her favorite students.

How did Fenrir Greyback kills Lavender Brown?

Lavender Brown is mauled by Fenrir Greyback in the neck in the movie, but Hermione repels him into a marble bannister. Sybil Trelawney then sends a crystal ball onto his head, temporarily knocking him out. Later on, it says that Greyback is “brought down” by Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom. Yes, she does.

Was greyback a Slytherin?

Slytherin, when he was human.

Are there Mudbloods in Slytherin?

Though the hat may have adapted the original criteria. As far as I know there are no examples in canon, but in DH one of the snatchers states that there are very few (not zero) Muggle-borns in Slytherin. When Scabior said that there aren’t a lot of mud bloods in Slytherin, he said it 100% sarcastically.

Can a Slytherin date a Gryffindor?

Gryffindors and Slytherins are often pitted against each other, but they could make for an exciting, if unusual, pairing. Sure, Gryffindors might not understand the self-serving nature of Slytherins, but the mental gymnastics between the two would certainly keep them on their toes. Bickering is best avoided, though.

Is umbridge a Hufflepuff?

She is a Slytherin, and sadly does nothing to boost the house’s reputation. Just the fact that Umbridge is a pureblood supremacist kicks her out of the ranks of Hufflepuff though, really. Helga Hufflepuff founded the house on the concept of everyone-deserves-an-education. That’s where the “being fair” thing comes from.

What is Umbridge’s Boggart?

Her boggart would Voldemort standing in front of her ant telling her that she is worthless. Umbridge- Umbridge went to great lengths to cover up the fact that she was half-blood. Anyone that figured it out or so much as even implied that they knew were mysteriously hexed and found unable to talk.

Is Dumbledore a pure blood?

Lord Voldemort, the son of a pure-blood witch, Merope Gaunt and a Muggle Tom Riddle Snr, epitomises this….Half-bloods.

Parentage Wizard
Pure/half-blood parent & Muggle-born Harry James Potter
Nymphadora Tonks
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Known Muggle ancestry Edward Remus Lupin

What are the 7 Horcruxes?

7 were made by Voldemort intentionally ( Nagini, goblet, diary, locket, ring, diadem and the part of his soul in Voldemort himself) and 1 was made accidentally which was Harry.

Is credence Ariana Dumbledore’s son?

So – no. Credence is not Ariana’s son. Virtually impossible. First off, Ariana died in 1899, and Credence was probably born around 1901, meaning she was dead for two years by the time he was born.

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