
How did Frederick Douglass feel about going to Baltimore?

How did Frederick Douglass feel about going to Baltimore?

Douglass considers his transfer to Baltimore a gift of providence. If he had not been removed from Colonel Lloyd’s plantation at that time, Douglass believes he would still be a slave today, rather than a man sitting freely in his home writing his autobiography.

How did Frederick Douglass feel about leaving the plantation and going to Baltimore?

How did Frederick Douglass feel about leaving the plantation and going to Baltimore? A. He worried that the new place would be worse.

Why did Douglass move to Baltimore?

Douglass left Baltimore to escape slavery, and would soon become famous for his command of English – both written and spoken.

What was the feeling in Baltimore that helped Douglass escape slavery?

my favor

What do slaves not have knowledge about?

“I have no accurate knowledge of my age,” Douglass states; nor can he positively identify his father (p. This separation of mothers from children, and lack of knowledge about age and paternity, Douglass explains, was common among slaves: “it is the wish of most masters . . . to keep their slaves thus ignorant” (p. 1).

What do the slaves do as they walk to the Great House Farm?

Slaves from other plantations feel privileged to be sent to the Great House Farm on an errand. Douglass likens these slaves to state representatives proud to serve in the American Congress. Slaves on their way to the Great House Farm usually sing wild, spontaneous songs that sound both joyful and sad.

What is ironic about Douglass finally being a free man?

What is ironic about Douglass finally being a free man? Upon entering into freedom, Douglass does not feel he is a free man. the significance of Douglass’ introduction to “The Liberator”? It provided him with knowledge of the anti-slavery movement, as well as a purpose and voice within the movement.

Why did Douglass hire himself out?

In 1838 Douglass was becoming restless, wondering why he needed to keep giving the contents of his purse to his master. He believed he should try and hire himself out in order to save more money for his escape..

What surprises Douglass most about living in the North?

Douglass was greatly surprised at the wealth of luxuries in the North, for he had imagined that without slaves, Northerners must be living in poor conditions. Instead, he found the North to be refined and wealthy and without signs of extreme poverty.

Why does Douglass surprise New Bedford?

Douglass is surprised by the wealthy and clean appearance of New Bedford. Douglass has always assumed that Northerners, because they own no slaves, are poor. But the city’s industries appear prosperous, and the workers labor smoothly. Douglass sees no extreme poverty.

How did working for Covey affect Douglass?

When farmers have a troublesome slave, they send him to Covey. Covey’s method is to work them and whip them until they can barely remember their own names. Rather than tell anyone else that one of his slaves stood up to him, he keeps it a secret (and lets Douglass get away with it).

How does Douglass describe New Bedford Massachusetts?

Douglass describe New Bedford as a place of wealth, much like the wealth in the south but with no slaves. This undermines economic arguments in favor of slavery because people did not need to own slaves to become wealthy.

Where did Frederick Douglass live in Massachusetts?

New Bedford

What was the first job for Douglass when he arrived in New Bedford after his escape?

ship caulker

What was the first thing that struck Douglass about New Bedford?

One of the first things that struck Douglass about New Bedford was the high standard of living enjoyed by people in the town.

Who is the liberator?

The Liberator, weekly newspaper of abolitionist crusader William Lloyd Garrison for 35 years (January 1, 1831–December 29, 1865). It was the most influential antislavery periodical in the pre-Civil War period of U.S. history.

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