How did Miss Spider make an inspection of the peach?

How did Miss Spider make an inspection of the peach?

“Why don’t I go over the side and make an inspection? ” Miss Spider said. “It’ll be no trouble at all, I assure you.” And without waiting for an answer, she quickly produced a length of silk thread and attached the end of it to the peach stem.

What was James plan to get away from the sharks?

James wanted to get away from the sharks so he thought of a plan. His plan was to catch seagulls and lift the peach in to the air with the help of his friends. The peach was lifted in to the air and they flew to safety away from the sharks.

What were the cloud-men doing when James and the others first saw them?

James and The Giant Peach

When did the passengers on the peach have their first glimpse of cloud-men? After night had fallen
When did the Cloud-Men notice the peach? After the centiped yelled at them
What did the passenger do when the Cloud-Men began to throw hailstones? Rused down the tunnel

How do the cloud men make thunder?

They painted the rainbow. How did the cloud men make thunder? They had huge drums to make thunder.

What happens in chapter 28 of James and the Giant Peach?

Silently, James and his friends watch the Cloud-Men scramble over the arch. The Centipede runs down the peach’s tunnel, but the others on top of the peach observe that the Cloud-Men are painting the arch. The Centipede pokes his head back up just in time to see the Cloud-Men push the rainbow off of the clouds.

How did they get the peach to fall from the sky?

Suddenly, Sponge and Spiker emerge from the clouds to claim their precious peach and reveal to James that they have taken Grasshopper and Ladybug and will kill them unless he hands over the peach. James then gives his aunts the peach, but they fall from the sky as the spell is instantly broken.

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