
How did Phillip get his sight back?

How did Phillip get his sight back?

Drifting at sea, Phillip is blinded by a blow to the head during the torpedoing of the ship. They soon find an island in Devil’s Mouth and build a hut while keeping track of the days by putting pebbles in a can. One year after he and Timothy find the island, he has many surgeries to get his sight back.

What happened to the SS Empire tern in the Cay?

The Cay begins on the island of Curacao with Phillip and his family. Soon after the ship’s pilot returns to the safety of the island, the Empire Tern is torpedoed by a German submarine. Phillip and many other people watch sadly as the ship sinks and burns.

Why did the SS Hato need to stop at Panama before going to the States?

She convince him that it would be safer to move back to Norfolk with Phillip. Why did the S. S. Hato need to stop at Panama before going to the states? Hato had to stop at Panama to deliver 4 pumps to Miami before going to the states.

What did the author compare the German submarines to in the Cay?

The submarines came quietly, without warning, and were waiting to attack. At the beginning of chapter 1, Theodore Taylor compared the German submarines to “silent, hungry sharks that swim in the darkness of the sea.” What was this comparison suggesting? It was something he had never seen. He had only heard about it.

Why is Timothy worried about the cay?

By Theodore Taylor Yum. Timothy says he’ll find a place to camp, and Phillip is alarmed because this means they won’t be rescued soon. Timothy says not to worry, that he will build a fire for aircraft to see.

What happened to Timothy the morning after he and Phillip talked about voodoo?

What happened to Timothy the morning after he and Phillip talked about voodoo? He was on the north side of the island cutting wood. He went crabbing. He was on the east side of the island building a raft.

How old is Timothy in the Cay?

Though he was absolved in the inquiry, Timothy carried the guilt for the rest of his days and often wished that he too had drowned in the storm. At over seventy years of age, and two years after he had sold the Hannah Gumbs and retired from the sea, Timothy signed aboard the S.S.

What happened in chapter 12 of the cay?

In chapter 12 of The Cay, Timothy is sick with malaria. He has a fever and chills, and he gets confused. Phillip tries to help him. After a whole day, Timothy’s fever breaks and Phillip helps him back to the hut.

What happened in chapter 11 of the cay?

In the morning Timothy and Stew Cat are gone, and Phillip is frightened. He circles the island using his cane and finds Timothy on the north side. He asks where Stew Cat is, and Timothy says probably hunting a lizard. Phillip searches for Stew Cat with no luck, though he thinks he hears faint meows over the wind.

What happened in chapter 10 of the cay?

In chapter ten of The Cay, Timothy and Phillip enjoy a rainstorm, and Phillip asks Timothy questions about skin color. We learn that Phillip is afraid to climb the palm tree to get coconuts. As the chapter ends, Phillip is worried about how long his blindness will last.

Why are the islands of Aruba and Curacao important and in danger of German attack?

Why are the islands of Aruba and Curacao important and in danger of German attack? They have oil and an oil refinery. The Germans need a base for suppl;ies in the Caribbean. Aruba and Curacao are good sources of food and water.

What happened in chapter 4 of the cay?

After being rescued from the shipwreck, Phillip finds himself lost on the ocean on a raft with Timothy. Phillip’s head aches intensely from when he was hit during the shipwreck. When the pain finally subsides, he discovers to his horror that he is blind.

When was the SS Hato torpedoed?


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