How did Plato feel about democracy?

How did Plato feel about democracy?

Plato believes that the democratic man is more concerned with his money over how he can help the people. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. His life has no order or priority. Plato does not believe that democracy is the best form of government.

Why did Plato reject democracy as a form of government describe the ideal form of government as set forth in Plato’s Republic?

Why did Plato reject democracy as a form of government? Because it had condemned Socrates. Describe the ideal form of government as set forth in Plato’s Republic. That the state should regulate every aspect of its citizens’ lives in order to provide for their best interests.

What is Plato’s view of democracy quizlet?

Democracy expresses a sense of collective identity which is good as socialising is part of human nature. People are more likely to feel part of a society if they have a say in how it is run.

Why was ostracism important to Athenian democracy?

In ancient Athens, ostracism was the process by which any citizen, including political leaders, could be expelled from the city-state for 10 years. Once a year, ancient Athenian citizens would nominate people they felt threatened democracy—because of political differences, dishonesty, or just general dislike.

Who can vote in the Athenian democracy?

Only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their military training as ephebes had the right to vote in Athens. The percentage of the population that actually participated in the government was 10% to 20% of the total number of inhabitants, but this varied from the fifth to the fourth century BC.

How did the ancient Greek government work?

The four most common systems of Greek government were: Democracy – rule by the people (male citizens). Monarchy – rule by an individual who had inherited his role. Tyranny – rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.

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