How did the force get out of balance?

How did the force get out of balance?

The idea of balance of the Force, a central tenet of the Jedi Order, refers to the ideal state in which the Force exists in nature, i.e. as the light side. The presence of the dark side corrupts and destroys this natural balance, and the Jedi viewed it as their duty to restore it.

Is Rey the strongest Jedi?

Luke about Reys Force Powers: “I have seen such raw strength only once before in Ben Solo.” That implies Ben was stronger in the force user than Palpatine, Yoda and Vader/Anakin (at the time of ESB/ ROTJ). with Ben being dead Rey is clearly the strongest force user alive but also compared to the earlier generations.

Is Rey a gray Jedi?

Rey is no Grey Jedi.

Who is stronger Rey or Luke?

Rey is not only more powerful than Luke, she possesses the strength of all the Jedi combined. Add that to the fact that she is a Palpatine and you have your answer. She was certainly far more precocious in her knowledge of the Force than Luke at about the same age.

Why does Rey have a yellow lightsaber?

Because Rey exhausted her energy in killing Palpatine, and because Ben used the last of his energy in reviving Rey, she’s left on her own with two Skywalker lightsabers. As she ignites the lightsaber, you’ll notice a golden yellow color to the blade.

What does a orange lightsaber mean?

Orange is a rare color for lightsabers. According to color combination, orange can mean the user’s usage of both the light and dark side of the force. Another theory is that an orange lightsaber represents compassion, diplomacy, and full allegiance to the light side of the Force.

What color is Princess Leia’s lightsaber?


What did Finn never tell Rey?

It wasn’t until an Academy screening of “Rise of Skywalker” after the film’s theatrical opening that Abrams said Finn wanted to tell Rey that he is Force sensitive. This clarification came after Boyega took to social media to declare, “No, Finn wasn’t going to say I love you before sinking!”

Is Finn Mace Windu’s son?

Finn is not only Lando Calrissian’s son but Mace Windu’s grandson. Mace Windu could have had a child several years before the Clone Wars, then hiding him (Lando) on Cloud City to keep Lando safe as Mace knew that the Sith were nearby and building strength.

Is Finn in love with Rey?

Abrams have made it clear that Finn was not going to declare his love for Rey. Following the release of the film in December 2019, Boyega took to Twitter to clear some things up about Finn and Rey. No… Finn wasn’t going to say I love you before sinking!

Why did the lightsaber call Rey?

At the heart of every lightsaber is a Kyber crystal. Kyber Crystals are used to focus and intensify the energy generated by the power source of the lightsaber. Kyber crystals are also attuned to the force. The lightsaber calls to Rey, because the crystal wants to be united with her.

Is Finn Force Sensitive?

Finn, formerly designated FN-2187 (“Eight-Seven”), was a Force-sensitive human male stormtrooper who served the First Order until his desertion and subsequent defection to the Resistance during the First Order/Resistance War.

Are KYLO Ren and Rey related?

But if Palpatine essentially fathered Anakin through the Force, the Emperor would be the great-grandfather of Kylo Ren and the grandfather of Rey, making the pair first cousins once removed. This means she’s related to Kylo spiritually and through her name, if not biologically.

How does Maz get Anakin’s lightsaber?

Anakin Skywalker carried this blue-bladed Jedi weapon throughout the Clone Wars. He gave it to Luke Skywalker, who lost it when Darth Vader struck off his son’s hand in Cloud City. The lightsaber then became part of Maz Kanata’s collection of Jedi curios, where it called to the scavenger Rey.

How did they find Anakin’s lightsaber?

Anakin Skywalker constructed the lightsaber after losing his first one during an accident on Geonosis. Vader cut off Luke’s hand at the wrist, and the hand (still holding the lightsaber) fell down the air shafts of Cloud City. The lightsaber was then recovered by a scavenger.

Is Finn a Jedi?

It should be noted, though, that Finn being Force sensitive isn’t the same thing as Finn being a Jedi. In fact, there are plenty of characters in the Star Wars galaxy who present some affinity for the Force but are not traditionally trained Jedi or Sith.

Why Sith lightsabers are red?

In the construction of a Sith lightsaber, individuals partook in a process known as bleeding. By ways of the Force, they would pour negative emotions such as rage, hate, fear and pain into kyber crystals. The process would result in the crystals gaining a distinctive crimson or red hue.

Can Jedi use red lightsabers?

In canon, no Jedi will have a red lightsaber unless they’ve borrowed one created by a dark side user. Not as their regular saber. Red sabers come from synthetic Kyber crystals made by the Sith in the EU canon. Otherwise the only Jedi to use them are ones who have crossed already.

Why is KYLO Ren’s lightsaber unstable?

The lightsaber was crudely assembled and its unstable condition was evidence of Ren’s inexperience in constructing such a weapon. It was built around a dangerously flawed kyber crystal; therefore, the lightsaber relied on its lateral vents to prevent the cracked crystal from overloading.

Are red lightsabers evil?

For the causal Star Wars fans out there, lightsabers channel their energy though a kyber crystal, which a Jedi find on the planet Ilum or several other locations. This leads the crystal to “bleed,” hence why the villains always have red lightsabers. The corruption means those other colors are inaccessible.

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