
How did the Great Depression affect middle class families?

How did the Great Depression affect middle class families?

Millions of families lost their savings as numerous banks collapsed in the early 1930s. Unable to make mortgage or rent payments, many were deprived of their homes or were evicted from their apartments. Both working-class and middle-class families were drastically affected by the Depression.

How did people’s lives change during the Great Depression?

More important was the impact that it had on people’s lives: the Depression brought hardship, homelessness, and hunger to millions. THE DEPRESSION IN THE CITIES In cities across the country, people lost their jobs, were evicted from their homes and ended up in the streets.

How did the Great Depression affect mothers?

But the Great Depression drove women to find work with a renewed sense of urgency as thousands of men who were once family breadwinners lost their jobs. A 22 percent decline in marriage rates between 1929 and 1939 also meant more single women had to support themselves.

How much do eggs cost in 2020?

Average retail price for eggs in Canada 2015-2020. The average retail price for one dozen, or 12, eggs in Canada was 3.59 Canadian dollars in June 2020. This price has remained relatively stable over the given time period, not rising above 3.6 or below 3.06 Canadian dollars.

How much do eggs cost now?

On average, organic eggs cost $4 to $7 per dozen. Non-organic eggs currently range from $0.97 to $3 per dozen.

What was the price of a loaf of bread in 1960?

The Price of Bread

YEAR Cost of 1 lb. of Bread Federal Minimum Wage
1950 $0.12 $0.75
1960 $0.23 $1.00
1970 $0.25 $1.60
1980 $0.50 $3.10

How much did a dozen eggs cost in 1960?


Cost of a new home: $/b>
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.04
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.31
Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.57
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $0.49
Category: Uncategorized

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