How did the I Have a Dream Speech change America?

How did the I Have a Dream Speech change America?

led a civil rights movement that focused on nonviolent protest. Martin Luther King’s vision of equality and civil disobedience changed the world for his children and the children of all oppressed people. He changed the lives of African Americans in his time and subsequent decades.

What did Martin Luther King say in his speech I have a dream?

I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exhalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope.

Why did Martin Luther King Jr choose the word dream?

Why does King chose the word DREAM? He dreams of a time and place where his fellowmen will no longer be segregated, prejudiced against or treated as inferiors. He wishes the blacks and the whites were really equal, he wishes they shared the same rights in America.

How did Martin Luther King inspire others?

He inspired people around the world with a message of peaceful resistance and racial equality. He also helped people to have the courage to do what they wanted. He wrote the famous speech, “I HAVE A DREAM,” which he said in front of the Lincoln Memorial, on August 28, 1963.

Why was Martin Luther King so inspirational?

An inspirational person of character, Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream to change the world, and he transcended racial barriers to impact American society in a profound way. One of the greatest qualities he possessed was extreme patience, an invaluable virtue, which helped him spread his message across America.

What changed after Martin Luther King speech?

After the Speech and Dr. In October of the same year, at the age of 35, Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Civil Rights and Social Justice, becoming the youngest man to ever receive the prize. He donated the entire $54,123 prize to the civil rights movement.

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