How did Victor feel about the creature once it came to life?

How did Victor feel about the creature once it came to life?

How does Victor react when his creation comes to life? He is disgusted and runs screaming from the room.

How does Victor protect himself from the monster?

Victor think that him and the creature will have to fight until one of them die on his wedding-night. How does Victor try to protect himself from the monster? Victor tires to protect himself by using pistols and daggers. The deaths change Victor’s focus in life because he is now determined to kill the creature.

What opinion does Victor express about his creation?

What opinion does Victor express about his creation? He feels that he can’t be with people because they will be in danger because of the monster. His creation is a burden.

What does Victor’s father think is the cause?

Victor’s father thinks the cause of Victor’s anxiety is that he is torn between Elizabeth and another woman he loves. Victor’s feelings when he is journeying through England are that he wish he could enjoy the scenery, but he is very anxious about creating the female monster.

Why does Victor’s father think he is depressed?

Terms in this set (7) What does Victor’s father think is causing Victor’s depression? Victor wants to create the creature’s mate first, before marrying Elizabeth. Victor keeps thinking of the negative aspects of making the new creature.

Why does Victor’s father think he is unhappy?

Victor tells his father that all of their deaths and pain are his fault. His father thinks he is still delirious from his depression. What does Elizabeth believe is the cause of Victor’s unhappiness? He says he will reveal his terrible secret to his depression after they are married.

What foreshadows clerval’s death?

For example, we were able to foreshadow Henry Clerval’s death because Mary Shelley was overdoing and overstating the fact that Henry is pleased with his adventurous life. We can also foreshadow Elizabeth’s death very easily because “Pieces” promises to be with her on her wedding night.

What did Victor do when he saw the creature watching him?

As Victor is working, he looks up and sees the creature watching him. Victor realizes the creature has been tracking his progress. What critical action does Victor take? He tears apart the body he’s been building and destroys it right in front of the creature as he’s watching him.

What does the monster say when Victor dies?

After Victor dies, the creature realizes the destructiveness of his love/hate acts: “in his murder my crimes are consummated.” He admits to “a frightful selfishness” that hurries him to his heinous acts.

Does the monster kill Victor?

Hover for more information. At the end of Frankenstein, Victor and the monster both come to death. Victor dies on Captain Walton’s ship while running from the monster.

Is the monster in Frankenstein a tragic hero?

The story of the monster conforms to the storyline of a tragic hero in a Renaissance tragedy because of the monster’s tragic flaw- his appearance. Throughout the novel, the monster reflects many of the qualities of a tragic hero. The monster’s death is the final tragic act which concludes the story.

Did Justine actually kill William?

Justine, described as a “girl of merit” (Shelley, 57), embodies goodness of character and serves as a companion for Elizabeth despite their class differences. However, Justine, though innocent, is accused and condemned to death for the murder of William.

How did Victor spend the night after bringing the creature to life?

How did Victor spend the night after bringing the creature to life? He runs to the woods, spends a week in bed, now repulsed by his work. He leaves the creature alone.

What did Victor do after he left the magistrate?

What did Frankenstein do after he left the magistrate? He decided to pursue the monster and kill him. 8.

What happens on Victor’s wedding night?

What happens on Victor and Elizabeth’s wedding night? The monster attacks and kills Elizabeth. Victor finally tells Elizabeth his secret. The monster never shows up for his revenge.

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