
How do castles defend themselves?

How do castles defend themselves?

The top of the castle walls were the battlements, a protective, tooth shaped parapet often with a wall walk behind it for the soldiers to stand on. The defenders could fire missiles through gaps (crenels). The raised sections between, called merlons, helped to shelter the defenders during an enemy attack.

Is it easier to attack or defend a castle?

Firstly, it meant that attackers couldn’t get too close to the outer castle walls. This prevented them from being able to use battering-rams, and made it harder to be accurate when flinging missiles. It also made it easier for archers in the castle to aim at on-comers.

How do Moats defend a castle?

The purpose of a moat was primarily to protect the castle from attack. As a defense mechanism, moats were very effective. Although they’re usually depicted as wide, deep bodies of water, moats were often simply dry ditches. Castles, on the other hand, offered safety in the form of strong walls and fortifications.

What is the pointy part of a castle called?

In architecture, a turret (from Italian: torretta, little tower; Latin: turris, tower) is a small tower that projects vertically from the wall of a building such as a medieval castle.

What are the key features of a castle?


  • Moat – a perimeter ditch with or without water.
  • Barbican – a fortification to protect a gate.
  • Curtain Walls & Towers – the perimeter defensive wall.
  • Fortified Gatehouse – the main castle entrance.
  • Keep (aka Donjon or Great Tower) – the largest tower and best stronghold of the castle.

What are the key parts of a castle?

These are some of the key parts of a castle.

  • The Keep. The keep was a strong tower located at the centre of a castle.
  • Curtain Wall. The curtain wall was a defensive wall built to protect the bailey (see below) of a castle.
  • The Bailey.
  • Moat.
  • Battlements.
  • Drawbridge.
  • Portcullis.
  • Arrowslits.

What rooms would be in a castle?

Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses.

  • The Great Hall.
  • Bed Chambers.
  • Solars.
  • Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes.
  • Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries.
  • Gatehouses and Guardrooms.
  • Chapels & Oratories.
  • Cabinets and Boudoirs.

What is the keep of a castle?

Keep, English term corresponding to the French donjon for the strongest portion of the fortification of a castle, the place of last resort in case of siege or attack.

What is the bailey of a castle?

A bailey or ward in a fortification is a courtyard enclosed by a curtain wall. In particular, an early type of European castle was known as a motte-and-bailey. Castles can have more than one bailey.

Can you swim in a moat?

Moats are unusual bodies of water to swim in. Their medieval origin and formerly defensive use are great fodder for tall tales.

What are the weaknesses of a Motte and Bailey castle?

At a glance: disadvantages of Motte and Bailey castles

  • Timber burns easily -and attackers quickly learned that firing flaming arrows could defeat the castle.
  • Timber rots, to0 – castles quickly ran into disrepair, and often became abandoned by their owners.
  • Mottes often had a broad base.

How many different types of castles are there?


Does anyone still live in castles?

In the past, these castles belonged to either nobility or royalty, but over time, whether through war, debt, or donation, they have passed out of their ownership. Despite this, some noble families still own castles today—and a few, like the Percy family of Alnwick Castle, have owned their castle for hundreds of years.

How do you decorate like a castle?

  1. Leave The Floor Bare.
  2. Stick to a Color Palette.
  3. Go Big On Furniture.
  4. Use Stone-Printed Wallpaper.
  5. Don’t Forget The Fireplace.
  6. Long Drape Curtains.
  7. Use Fake Candles As Lighting.
  8. Decorate with Medieval Memorabilia.

What makes a home a castle?

And now the Oxford English Dictionary defines a castle as ‘a large building, typically of the medieval period, fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and often a moat’. Because those buildings above are called castles, but they look as architecturally prepared for battle as a fruit pastille.

How do I make my room look like a palace?

Quick And Dirty Ways To Make Your House Look Like A Palace

  1. Add Crown Molding Wherever You Can.
  2. Add Bargain Art To Your Walls.
  3. Add Cladding To Your Walls.
  4. Create DIY Built-In Furniture.
  5. Add Mirrors To Cramped Areas.
  6. Get Rid Of The Ugly Stuff In Your Home.
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