How do Hong Kong elections work?

How do Hong Kong elections work?

Every four years, half of the unicameral Legislative Council of Hong Kong’s seventy seats representing the geographical constituencies are returned by the electorate; the other thirty five seats representing the functional constituencies are elected through smaller closed elections within business sectors.

Does Hong Kong have a separate government?

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China, with executive, legislative, and judicial powers devolved from the national government. Under these terms and the “one country, two systems” principle, the Basic Law of Hong Kong is the regional constitution.

Who is the first Instagram user?

Kevin Systrom’s photograph of a stray dog sitting near a taco stand in Mexico is the first image ever shared on Instagram. The app’s co-founder captioned it ‘test’, and uploaded it a few months before his idea was launched to the public on October 6 2010.

Which country app is Instagram?


In which country is Instagram most popular?

Leading countries based on Instagram audience size as of April 2021 (in millions)

Characteristic Audience in millions
India 150
United States 140
Brazil 100
Indonesia 86

Is it true that WhatsApp will be closed in 2021?

WhatsApp will end support on some old Android and iOS smartphones in 2021 according to reports. The Facebook-owned messaging app will stop working on phones that are not running on at least iOS 9 or Android 4.0.

What is the new rules for WhatsApp?

Reuters WhatsApp has consistently opposed calls for dilution of end-to-end encryption on its platform. The government’s new rules for social media, which came into effect on Wednesday, mandates instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp to trace the origin of a message, if required by the authorities by law.

Which country banned WhatsApp?

Syria: The country had also banned WhatsApp because of its encryption policy. The government of Syria believed that the enemy can plot against them using WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption policy. Iran: Iran has blocked practically all the possible messaging apps including WhatsApp.

Is WhatsApp call allowed in Dubai?

UAE may soon lift ban on WhatsApp calls While Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Skype for businesses now enable remote work and learning, WhatsApp and Facetime audio and video calls are still banned, the official said. This means residents have to use the paid services provided by telecom operators in the country.

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