How do I access Amazon Author Central?

How do I access Amazon Author Central?

Get started

  1. In KDP, go to the Marketing page.
  2. In the Author Central section, choose the marketplace where you’d like to create your Author Page from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Manage author page.
  4. You’ll be redirected to Author Central. Click Join for free and use your KDP account information to sign up.

Is Amazon Author Central free?

Author Central is the free page that Amazon provides to every published author whose books have ISBNs.

How do I claim my author page on Amazon?

How to set up your Amazon Author Central account

  1. Go to and click “Join Now.”
  2. Use your Kindle Direct Publishing account to log in.
  3. Enter your author name, which should match up with the name that appears on your books.
  4. Claim the book(s) associated with your main author name.

What are Amazon’s author fees?

Authors get royalties of 35% to 70% of the sale price, depending on whether the book is sold on KDP or through another Amazon service called KDP Select (more about that below).

Why are Kindle books so expensive 2020?

Unlike with physical books, Amazon has no control over the price of ebooks. If someone has performed the steps required to publish an ebook via Kindle Direct Publishing, they set the price as they please, with no exceptions. This constraint is the reason ebooks sometimes cost more than paperbacks.

How much do self published authors make on Amazon 2020?

Last year, Amazon paid out more than $220 million to authors, the company told me. Regardless of participation in KDP Select, authors who self-publish on Amazon through KDP also earn a 70 percent royalty on books priced between $2.99 and $9.99, and a 35 percent royalty on books that cost more or less than that.

Can you make a living self-publishing on Amazon?

Making money self-publishing books isn’t a get-rich scheme but you’ll be surprised how much money you can make on Amazon. The average self-published author makes around $1,000 per year according to The Guardian. That’s including many authors that have multiple books and a huge list of fans.

How much does KDP pay per page read 2020?

The KENPC pay rate changes every month by the way, depending on the KDP Select Global Fund and the number of enrolled books. But it’s usually around $. 004 to $. 005 per page.

How much does KDP pay per page?

Calculating Payout by Book

KENP Pages Read Payout Per Page* Max Payout
450 $0.004394 $2.25
700 $0.004394 $3.50
1,000 $0.004394 $5.00
3,000 $0.004394 $15.00

Is Kindle Unlimited worth it for authors?

Amazon only pays for pages read and nothing more than that. This can result in very little for readers that stop reading your book. Authors don’t get paid for books that readers stop reading. You have to write and publish frequently for Kindle Unlimited to be a financial advantage.

Is Amazon good for authors?

Amazon is more author-friendly than they are publisher-friendly. This means that if you’re an author, you’re likely to get great customer service from Amazon, especially on the KDP side of the company.

How much does an author make per book?

A typical book author barely makes more than minimum wage. You receive an advance and 10% royalties on net profit from each book. If your book retails at $25 per copy, you would need to sell at least 4,000 copies to break even on a $5,000 advance.

Do Kindle authors make money?

And a whole lot of writers are making money from selling them. According to Amazon’s 2019 review of its Kindle sales, there are now thousands of self-published authors taking home royalties of over $50,000, while more than a thousand hit six-figure salaries from their book sales last year.

Can you make a living as an author?

Here’s What You Need to Know. Writers can work full or part time, and earn a supplemental income to help cover the bills or generate a lucrative primary income. If you have the skills and the motivation, you get to define your own career.

How do I get my book in Walmart?

Go to other bookseller websites such as Barnes & Noble and apply to sell your book on their sites. Publish your eBook on IngramSpark and automatically make it available to Walmart customers along with the other online book retailer websites. Get sales reports from one handy dashboard.

How do I sell my book to a publisher?

If you’re not sure if you should traditionally publish or self-publish, here’s how to make a decision.

  1. 4 steps to getting a book published.
  2. Determine your work’s genre or category.
  3. Find publishers and agents.
  4. Prepare your submission materials.
  5. Submit your materials.

How do I get my book into Barnes and Noble?

Barnes & Noble Stores Your friends and fans can order your print book from any B&N store across the country—all they have to do is ask a bookseller! The store will then place an order and your book will ship directly to your readers.

Do libraries buy self-published books?

92% of librarians surveyed between May 2016 – July 2016 by New Shelves stated that they regularly buy books from self-published authors and small presses. The article goes on to say, “Once one library has your book and the check-out rates start showing up on reports, other librarians will start ordering your book.

Can self-published books be sold in stores?

Your author website, advertising, and marketing materials may direct readers to and Barnes & Noble, but you should also include IndieBound supports sales through local bookstores by linking purchasers of your book to independent bookstores in their area.

How do I get my book into a bookstore?

Follow these 8 steps to get your book into bookstores and on the shelves of major retailers.

  1. Know the Market for Your Book.
  2. Know How They Buy Books.
  3. Get Into Book Wholesalers.
  4. Develop a marketing and media plan.
  5. Create Professional Marketing Materials.
  6. Know Your Buyer’s Goals.
  7. Contact Bookstore Buyers and Librarians.
  8. Follow Up.

How do I get my book in the library?

6 Steps to Get Your Self-Published Book Into Libraries

  1. Research, research, research. Look at the public library’s website to find out whether they have a system for accepting self-published books into circulation.
  2. Nice people finish first.
  3. Create a sell sheet.
  4. Show off (persuade) a little.
  5. Ensure your book is available from library wholesalers.
  6. Offer to do an event.

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