How do I access PupilPath?
To register into Pupil Path, go to and click “Parents Register” if you are a parent or “Student Register” if you are a student. Then complete the following: Your email address (Parents, Students)
What is a registration code for PupilPath?
Your Registration Code is located on the Pupil Path letter provided to you by your school. Please contact your Parent Coordinator if you need assistance. (10) Click “Finish”. → You will receive an E-mail with your password and a link to activate your account.
What is pupil path?
Pupilpath is a school management system to empower teachers and instantly provide snapshots to parents and students to better drive instruction and learning. You are using an outdated browser. For a better experience using this site, please upgrade to a modern web browser.
What does CR mean in grades?
Credit (CR) Grade A ‘CR’ grade means you earn credit for the class, but it will not affect your GPA.
How do I enter grades on Skedula?
Click in the cell under “MP1 Mark” to enter grades. 8. After you click the icon, this box will pop up. You can then select the appropriate grade.
What does WA mean in school?
Withdrawn Administratively
How do you change the marking period on PupilPath?
Choose the course you would like to change the Default Marking Period for PupilPath in the drop down menu. Scroll down to Default Marking Period and select the Marking Period you would like in the drop down menu. Click Save To on the top right hand side of the screen.
How do I submit an assignment on Gradescope?
Log in to on your computer. Click on the course and then the assignment you’d like to work on. A dialog box will appear. In the dialog box you’ll find the assignment due date, release date, and the number of minutes you will have to complete your assignment.
Who invented Gradescope?
Arjun Singh