How do I add an online article to Mendeley?

How do I add an online article to Mendeley?

To add the citation of the website to your Mendeley library, just click on Mendeley extension icon your web browser when you are on the webpage. You may have to fill in the details of the webpage if Mendeley Web Importer is unable to read the metadata of the webpage.

How do I manually add an entry to Mendeley?

Manually create an entry Select the ‘Add entry manually’ option in the ‘+ Add new’ menu to manually input the details of a reference. Select the appropriate document type and complete the fields to create a library entry. Tip: You can use a DOI to look up the details of a reference.

Which file formats are accepted by mendeley?

File Formats

Type Preferred format(s)
Computer Aided Design (CAD) AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (DXF) v. R12 (.dxf)
Geographical Information (GIS) Geography Markup Language (GML) (.gml), MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF/MID) (.mif/.mid)
Images (geo reference) GeoTagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) (.tif, .tiff)

How do I convert a PDF to RIS format?

  1. In EndNote Desktop, choose File> Import > File. Choose the file you just exported from Zotero. Choose Reference Manager (RIS) as your import option.
  2. In EndNote Online, choose Collect > Import References. Browse to the file you just exported from Zotero and choose Reference Manager (RIS) as your import option.

How do I sort files in mendeley?

To do this, we’ll use Mendeley’s built-in File Organizer.

  1. Go to Mendeley Desktop > Preferences menu (Options menu on Windows – Tools > Options)
  2. Go to the File Organizer tab.
  3. Check the “Organize my files” box.
  4. Then select the folder structure and/or filename that you’d like your files organized into.
  5. Click OK.

How do I install end notes?

Software download instructions for Windows

  1. Log into the UWA software download site with your Pheme password.
  2. Choose EndNote from the list of available programs.
  3. Read the introductory notes and click NEXT.
  4. Read the license agreement and click ACCEPT.
  5. On the EndNote Download page select your operating system (WIN-X9)

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