
How do I calculate my h index?

How do I calculate my h index?

The h-index is calculated by counting the number of publications for which an author has been cited by other authors at least that same number of times. For instance, an h-index of 17 means that the scientist has published at least 17 papers that have each been cited at least 17 times.

How is H Index Impact Factor calculated?

The 2010 impact factor of a journal would be calculated as follows:

  1. A = the number of times articles published in 2008 and 2009 were cited by indexed journals during 2010.
  2. B = the total number of “citable items” published by that journal in 2008 and 2009.
  3. 2010 impact factor = A/B.

Who has the highest Researchgate score?

The highest member for publications alone is 56.31, with 13,949 IP, 31,605 reads, 174,134 citations, and 1,797 followers. The member with the very highest RG Score, 376, obtained 11% for publications and 89% answers, 218 IP, 2,527 reads, 2,614 citations, 2,056 answers, and 555 followers.

Who is the most cited researcher of all time?

Computer scientist Alexandros Stamatakis from the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) again belongs to the most cited researchers worldwide, based on a study by Clarivate Analytics.

Who is the most cited author?

Sherif M Badawy

Does H-index include self citations?

The Hirsch index, or h-index is a widely used citation statistic that, arguably, accurately reflects the impact of a scientist. However, Google Scholar includes self-citations, while I have heard colleagues from other institutions say that a h-index should not include self-citations, for reasons illustrated above.

Is self referencing bad?

Generally, moderate amount of self-citation is often inevitable. But excessive self-citation can be considered rather crass and unprofessional, and in some cases is unethical. Anyhow, in some cases, self-citation (even excessive self-citation) may be valid and forgivable.

Is it OK to cite yourself?

If you have made a point or conducted research in one paper that you would like to build on in a later paper, you must cite yourself, just as you would cite the work of others.

What is self referential thinking?

Self-referential processing is the cognitive process of relating information, often from the external world, to the self. Self-focus refers to attention directed inwardly, to the self, as opposed to the external world. Rumination is repetitive and distressful form of thinking that can be symptomatic of depression.

What is self referential function?

Self Referential structures are those structures that have one or more pointers which point to the same type of structure, as their member. In other words, structures pointing to the same type of structures are self-referential in nature.

Why is self-reference important?

The self-reference effect is the idea that “when we relate things we want to remember to ourselves, this can lead to stronger memories” (Rogers et al., 1977). These are all examples that relate directly back to myself, that is why the memories are encoded into my long-term memory so well.

What is self referent encoding in psychology?

The self-reference effect is a tendency for people to encode information differently depending on whether they are implicated in the information. When people are asked to remember information when it is related in some way to themselves, the recall rate can be improved.

What is Self relevant?

The self-relevance effect refers to the human tendency to wonder, “Is this about (or does it effect) me?” when evaluating other peoples’ facial expressions. In research studies, subjects were presented with a large number of neutral faces that were shown with eyes looking straight ahead or averted.

What is involved in self referent encoding?

The concepts of self-referential encoding and the SRE rely on the notion that relating information to the self during the process of encoding it in memory facilitates recall, hence the effect of self-reference on memory. In essence, researchers have investigated the potential mnemonic properties of self-reference.

How do you define your self?

Your self is your sense of who you are, deep down — your identity. When you let someone else know you well, you reveal your true self to them. If the subject of your thoughts is you, you’re thinking about your self — or, alternately, yourself.

What is your ideal self?

Your Real Self is who you actually are, while your Ideal Self is the person you want to be. The Ideal Self is an idealized version of yourself created out of what you have learned from your life experiences, the demands of society, and what you admire in your role models.

How do I find my inner self?

How to understand your inner self:

  1. Schedule time for yourself.
  2. Deeply think and reflect.
  3. Show compassion towards yourself.
  4. Allow yourself to heal.
  5. Have conversations with yourself.
  6. Work on your flaws.
  7. But accept what you cannot change.
  8. Choose wisely.

What age do you find yourself?

Age 0-10 = discover friends, 10-20 = discover life and goals. Age 20-27 = find your talent (finding yourself is at 20, but that is not talent). Age 27-34 = see what you can make with talent, 34-50 = discover how life works, 50-60 = find a best life position.

How do I speak to my inner self?

7 Ways to Pump up the Volume on Your Intuition so You Can Listen to Your Inner Voice

  1. Create space for your inner voice to come through.
  2. Pay attention to your emotions.
  3. Look for your inner voice patterns.
  4. Set the intention to tune into your inner voice.
  5. Don’t let your mind take over.
  6. Take a moment to pause and breathe into it.

How do I awaken my inner self?

Let’s begin your journey into inner self-awareness.

  1. Remembering Who You Are, Your true Inner Self.
  2. Discover Who You Are Today and Start the Inner Self Journey Process.
  3. Realize Where You Go From Here To Create Ballance Between Your Inner and Outer life.
  4. Powering Your Inner Self Meditation For Real-World Results.

How do I awaken my inner child?

8 Simple Ways To Tap Into Your Inner Child

  1. Put yourself in unfamiliar situations.
  2. Embrace “explore” learning, not “exploit” learning.
  3. Pick up a creative hobby.
  4. Look up.
  5. Spend time with kids.
  6. Do one thing mindfully, every day …
  7. 7. And one thing every day “just because.”
  8. Jot down the good stuff.
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