How do I cite a video in APA?

How do I cite a video in APA?


  1. Use the name of the account that uploaded the video as the author.
  2. Provide the specific date on which the video was uploaded.
  3. Italicize the title of the video.
  4. Include the description “[Video]” in square brackets after the title.
  5. Provide the site name (YouTube) and URL of the video.

How do I cite an online movie in APA?

The title is written in sentence case and italicized, followed by the label “Film” in square brackets. The in-text citation includes the last name of the director, and the year….How to cite a movie in APA Style.

Format Last name, Initials. (Director). (Year). Movie title [Film]. Production Company.
In-text citation (Scott, 1979, 0:45:14)

How do you cite a movie in APA with multiple directors?

When citing in APA you can cite multiple producers in an in-text citation by listing the producer’s names as they appear on the film, with each producer’s last name listed, followed by the director’s last name and the release date of the movie.

How do you do a work cited page in APA format?

Generally, an APA citation includes the author, date, title, and location. Additionally, you will title your reference page ‘References,’ have a running page number, double-space everything on the page, and include a hanging indent for citations that go over 1 line.

Does APA works cited page have to be in alphabetical order?

Is APA reference page in alphabetical order? Yes, an APA reference page is listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. When you have authors with the same last name, you alphabetize them by the first or middle initial.

Is APA Reference page double spaced?

In general, the list of references is double-spaced and listed alphabetically by first author’s last name. For each reference, the first line is typed flush with the left margin, and any additional lines are indented as a group a few spaces to the right of the left margin (this is called a hanging indent).

Is APA 7 Reference page double spaced?

The references should be double-spaced without extra spaces between references (APA, 2020, p. 303).

What is the spacing for APA reference page?


Do you need two spaces after a period?

Unless you are typing on an actual typewriter, you no longer have to put two spaces after a period. Or a question mark. Or an exclamation point. The rule applies to all end punctuation.

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