How do I contact Zynga about Words With Friends?

How do I contact Zynga about Words With Friends?

How do I contact Customer Support from within the game?

  1. On your main screen, tap “Profile”.
  2. Next, tap on “Help.”
  3. This will bring you to our “Help and Support” window where you can find different self-help topics depending on the issue you are having.

How do I report a problem to Zynga?

4. In case the self-help topics didn’t resolve your issue, tap the “Conversation” button in the upper-right corner. 5. This will bring up the Contact Us form, type in all the necessary details about your issue then hit the “Submit” button once you are done.

How did hackers breach Zynga?

The attack was against the mobile carrier’s email vendor, it said, which led to “unauthorized access to certain T-Mobile employee email accounts.” Those accounts contained emails with account info for T-Mobile customers and employees, including customer names and addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, rate plans …

Can I delete my Zynga account?

How To Delete An Account: There is no automated process for closing a Zynga account, therefore you must email Zynga support directly at [email protected] using “Delete My Account” as the subject line and including the account holder’s first name, last name, email address and user ID number in the body.

How was Zynga hacked?

Zynga admitted in September that “log-in information for certain players of certain Draw Something and Words With Friends” may have been accessed. A hacker calling himself Gnosticplayers told Hacker News in September that he had accessed users’ names, email addresses, login IDs, phone numbers, and passwords.

Is Zynga words with friends safe?

While your linked credit cards and any other methods you use to buy stuff within Zynga’s games appears to be safe so far, your logins might have been compromised. As Zynga writes on a separate support page: “Our current understanding is that no financial information was accessed.

What does the flame mean on words with friends 2?

This feature operates on an ongoing game between you and another player and it does not affect your other events or progress in Words with Friends 2. On the third day of continuous game play, a fire emoji (showing 2) will appear indicating the start of the streak. The number beside it is the Days of streak.

Can you turn off the green light on words with friends?

Words With Friends does not offer a way to turn chat OFF.

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