How do I enable Intel HD graphics in Windows 10?

How do I enable Intel HD graphics in Windows 10?

Enable Graphic Driver.

  1. Press “Windows + X” and select Device manger.
  2. Select Display Adapter and expand the driver icon.
  3. Right click on the driver icon and click on Enable.

How do I use Intel HD graphics control panel?

You can use Intel’s graphics control panel to optimize your graphics settings for performance instead of image quality and battery life. To launch it, right-click the Windows desktop and select “Graphics Properties.” You can also launch the “Intel HD Graphics Control Panel” tool from your Start menu.

How do I fix Intel HD graphics control panel?

If you still wish to use the Intel Graphics Control Panel, the following is the most common solution to this issue:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Apps & Features.
  2. Locate and uninstall the Intel® Graphics Control Panel and Intel® Graphics Driver.
  3. Restart the computer.
  4. Right-click the start menu and go to Device Manager.

How do I download Intel HD graphics control panel?

If you’re on Windows 10, you can also download Intel Graphics Control Panel from Microsoft Store….To do so:

  1. Go to the Intel Graphics Control Panel Microsoft Store page.
  2. Click the Get button (this redirects you to the Microsoft Store app on you computer).
  3. On Microsoft Store, click Get.

How do I find my Intel graphics settings?

On your keyboard, simultaneously press CTRL+ALT+F12. Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) can disable certain hot-key functions. In desktop mode, right-click the Desktop. Then, select Intel® Graphics Settings.

How do I uninstall Intel HD graphics control panel?

  1. Open the Device Manager using the steps provided for your operating system:
  2. Expand the Display Adapters section.
  3. Find the Intel Graphics Driver.
  4. Right-click the Intel Graphics Driver and select Uninstall.
  5. Select the check box Delete the driver software for this device.

Is it OK to uninstall Intel graphics control panel?

Yes. Some features are not yet part of the Intel Graphics Command Center. So unless you need the missing features it’s highly recommended to uninstall Intel HD Graphics Control Panel….

What happens if I uninstall Intel graphics control panel?

If you uninstall the drive, you will not be able to play any games on Steam. However, you might neew to update that graphics driver anyway so go download the newest version and do a full update of the graphics driver. Might fix your driver crashing problem.

What happens if I delete graphics driver?

If I uninstall my graphics driver will I lose my monitor display? No, your display will not stop working. The Microsoft Operating system will revert to a standard VGA driver or the same default driver that used during the original installation of the operating system.

Does Intel graphics need control panel?

No further action is necessary to install and use the Intel Graphics Control Panel. What if I’m using a newer version of Windows*? The Intel Graphics Command Center has the latest features and capabilities and will continue to be the user interface for future improvements.

How do I enable my Intel graphics card?

  1. From the Windows Start Menu, search for the Intel Graphics Command Center. Double click the Intel Graphics Command Center icon to open the application.
  2. Click Preferences in the left navigational menu.
  3. Next to the System Tray setting, click the switch button to enable or disable the system tray icon.

How do I enable integrated graphics?

Step 1: Hold or tap the ‘Delete’ key immediately after powering on the system to enter the bios. Step 2: Use the arrow keys to choose ‘Advanced’ menu > System Agent (SA) Configuration\Graphics Configuration > iGPU Multi-Monitor setting > Enable as below. Press the ‘F10’ key to save and exit.

How do I reset my Intel display settings?


  1. Right-click on your desktop and select Graphics Properties.
  2. Click 3D.
  3. Click Restore Defaults.

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